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According to UNDEF Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines, this FUR must be sent once a project milestone has been completed to request the disbursement of the next tranche of funding.2c) Consultants and other non-staff personnel costs Sub-Total: 6a) Project Staff on official business / Representationb) Consultant and experts2c) Participants in worshops, seminars, study tours"1. Staff and Other Personnel Costs'2. Supplies, Commodities, and MaterialsMilestone Date (actual) Interest *UDF-XXX-XX-XXX+6. General operating and other direct costsJa) Venue Hire, Meals during event, and other activity based related costs !b) Rent and office related costs c) Auditd) Miscellaneous 4. Travel5. Contractual Services a) Professional Staff & b) Administrative Staff %8.Programme Support Costs : UNDEF M&E&UNDEF - FINANCIAL UTILIZATION REPORT $.7. Transfers & Grants to Implementing Partners(a) Grants to local parner organizations b) Grants out to participants a) ICT Equipment!b) Furniture and Office Equipment3. Equipment and Furniture:Conformity with appropriate financial management practices;Minor issues found regarding financial management practicesASignificant issues found regarding financial management practicesOrganization Stamp Disbursement ScheduleBudget Balance(D) Variance (Column B - C) Summary Total UNDEF Grant Award Total Expenditure: 22nd Disbursement (after completion of Milestone 2)23rd Disbursement (after completion of Milestone 3) Project CostsTotal Income: PROJECT EXPENDITURE*PROJECT INCOME PLANNEDACTUAL(A) TOTAL APPROVED BUDGET '1st Disbursement (at Project signature)(Project Budget (as in Project document) Expenditure;(C) CUMULATIVE (from project start date to milestone date)&All amounts in USD "Auditors certification: This is to certify that the above financial utilization report is correct, and that the expenditures were incurred in connection with the approved project. The overall assessment is as follows (tick the appropriate box): H(B) DISBURSED BY BUDGET LINE (from project start date to milestone date)%Disbursement Date#Amount ($ US) as disbursed by UNDEFIMPORTANT Once approved by UNDEF, the audited report has to be sent to UNDEF by the AUDITOR directly (with clear project number reference appearing in the object of the e-mail). The report WILL NOT be accepted if sent by the Grantee.) ! NgContribution (to date)*$PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Fill in the yellow cells and indicate the actual information requested in the columns titles in red text. Do not manually enter data in the light blue cells, which contain formulas - Column (A): Enter total of each budget section as indicated in the project document budget. - Column (B): If FUR is for Milestone 2, enter totals for each budget section as indicated in column D1 of the project document budget. If the FUR is for Milestone 3, enter the cumulative amout of column D1 + D2 as per project document budget. - Column (C): enter cumulative expenditure for each budget section from project start to milestone date. - Column (D): Variance between column B and C for each budget line. Any significant variance need to be explained in writing to UNDEF. 2. Email UNDEF the excel version for an initial verification (before the audit certification) 3. If UNDEF approves the excel version, Sign it by your organization's head and put your organization's stamp. 4. Certify it by the independent and external auditor mentioned in your project document. 5. Ask the auditor to email UNDEF the final, audited version in pdf format (signed and stamped by BOTH parties). *Disbursement amounts can be found in the project budget and also in the disbursement schedule). The total contribution MUST match the Total Project Cost of the budget. The amounts ARE NOT be the amount that you have actually received: - In case of loss (due to bank fees or exchange rate) include those costs under "6.d. Miscelaneous" - In case of gain (due to exchange rate or Interests) include the gain under "Income/interests" - The disbursement date is the value date we inform you about after each disbursement (NOT the actual date when you receive the funds). All interest MUST appear in this report.'( 8D u   ##$ 8G $O %'Total Disbursement (interests included),Total Project Cost / Total disbursed amount:DImplementing Agency Head's SIGNATURE, Name and Title (BLOCK LETTERS) MILESTONE 2MILESTONE 3 FINALVExternal Auditor's/Accountant's SIGNATURE Name, Title and Organization (BLOCK LETTERS)RGX Xl[1a\&x]=^_}a`&bM kcc&B ZO Qߍf  dMbP?_*+% F&Q?'{Gz?()zG?M\\NYVM1262\lex-c935-001C odLetter,DINU""RSMTJLexmark Universal v2InputBinFORMSOURCERESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeLETTEROrientationPORTRAITMediaTypeAUTOResolutionLxk2400IQColorModeColorPrintInBWOFFJobColorSaverAUTOJobEnhanceFineLinesOFFJobPixelBoostUSEPRINTERPageRotate180OFFCollateONMirrorOFFReverseOrderPrintingStandardPageScalingACTUALSIZEPagePosterEnabledOFFPagePoster1PagePosterCropMarksOFFJobNUpPresentationDirectionRightBottomJobDuplexSupportUSEPRINTERDuplexNONEOutputBinUSEPRINTERJobStapleAllDocumentsUSEPRINTERJobJobOffsetUSEPRINTERGraphicsModeHPGL2MODETrueTypeFormatOUTLINEKMXLJGarridoJGarridoUseSameSize,,,,,JGarridod":??&U} D} D} D} D} f} qD} UD}  D} FD} D}  D}  D}  DQ+@;@ @@@h@ @ :@Y@ J@ J@  V@ V@ S@  X@ X@ 8@V@V@V@V@V@Y@V@Y@J@Y@Y@Y@V@J@ $~~~~~hhhABCCCC F G HvvvCCCCC  sEEd G  @ GCCCCC tpppq` GGCCCCC $uppprGGGGCCCCC``FFe  GG  HH 3aII (  ? >cIbI 7c b . c b / c b A #   %  wCM  MMMMMMM  wCN  NMMMMMM 1 #  % a zCN  NMMMMMM 2 4  5 L   LJJJJJJJ 0 8  9 ) LLJJJJJJJ ; 6 = : *C wCP  B POOOOOO {!6 DDCPPOOOOOO x{! 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