3-letter Classification Type (Designator) is entered in subfield $a,
in capital letters. The specific Classification Code is entered in subfield $b.
In use (see CODES):
069 $a ACC $b 040
[Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) - used by DHL to produce special bibliographies] * Prior to Jan 1983, the code CBI was used.
069 $a ADM $b 11.02
[Administrative Issuances Classification - used by DHL]
069 $a ERL $b AFR
[Subject Classification Guide for Electronic Resources - used by DHL]
069 $a HUR $b 0309
[Human Rights Classification - used by UNOG]
APA - Centre Against Apartheid
CBI - Current Bibliographical Information
CTC - Transnational Corporations: a selective bibliography
JYB - UN Juridical Yearbook
PAL - Palestine Question: a selected bibliography
PAX - Peace Bibliography
PIL - Public International Law Bibliography
SAH - Western Sahara Bibliography
YOU - Youth Bibliography