ࡱ> 130E@ bjbj          Y[[[[[[$R       B B B  "  YB  YB B  9  XcN 4 Y0 ,f> f9f9   B      $ 8  THESAURUS TERM WORKSHEET Use this form to propose a new Thesaurus term, to propose a change in a term or its scope note or to propose additional cross-references to an existing term. Please document your request and add comments, such as, why current terms do not adequately express the concept. Documentation may include sources other than the publication in hand, for example, use of the term in related literature (may be from the Internet) or in specialized glossaries or thesauri. Also, documentation showing the term in other UN official languages is very helpful. It is not necessary to submit print copies of UN documents if they are available on the ODS, but please specify page numbers. See p. 2 of this form for a brief summary of criteria used in considering the adoption of new terms. PROPOSED TERM: UF: RT: PROPOSED CROSS REFERENCE(S) TO EXISTING TERM: PROPOSED CHANGE TO EXISTING TERM OR SCOPE NOTE: COMMENTS (Please attach relevant documentation): NAME/DATE: UNBIS Thesaurus Criteria for adoption of new terms Need. Existing terms are not adequate; the concept is new (not previously dealt with in the database) or the existing terms are overly broad and/or heavily posted (i.e. used so much as to produce an unacceptably high number of results). There are, or are likely to be, a sufficient number of publications in the database dealing with the new topic. Consistency with UN terminology. Compatibility with terms included in specialized thesauri, particularly those produced or utilized within the UN System. Language. Equivalent terms can be identified in all six official UN languages. ( ) 6 8 ; M y 5 9 19Ⱦ󶭶 h V^Jh V>*CJ^Jh VCJ^Jh VCJmH sH h V5CJ\mH sH h V5>*CJ\mH sH  h VCJh V5>*CJ\h V5CJ\h V$ ' ( ) 8 9 : ; < @ A B C D E I J K L M { | } ~  $a$$a$   3 4 5  & F$a$ 01 & F / =!"#$%D@D NormalCJOJQJ_HmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List 6>@6 Title$a$ 5CJ\2B@2 Body TextCJ$'()89:;<@ABCDEIJKLM{|}~3450100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00 00 00 000000   &)77;<DGMMeyzz{{}}~~BenBenBenBenBenBenBenBenBenNancy.Caldwellw'1@;^`o(.^`.pLp^p`L.@ @ ^@ `.^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.w'1B@        {@ V@,P@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"qh&&z  !r4d3QH(?{@THESAURUS TERM WORKSHEETCMSUserNancy.Caldwell Oh+'0  $0 L X d p|THESAURUS TERM WORKSHEET.HESCMSUserMSUMSU Normal.dotENancy.CaldwellW2ncMicrosoft Word 10.0@G@oH@LIN@LIN՜.+,0  hp  51Թ  THESAURUS TERM WORKSHEET Title !"#$%&')*+,-./2Root Entry FfcN4Data 1TablevWordDocumentSummaryInformation( DocumentSummaryInformation8(CompObjj  FMicrosoft Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q