Addressing challenges to meet development goals
The Committee for Development Policy is holding its sixteenth session from 24 to 28 March 2014, examining the 2014 Annual Ministerial Review (AMR) theme on Addressing ongoing and emerging challenges for meeting the Millennium Development Goals in 2015 and for sustaining development gains for the future.
The Committee will also consider the refinement of the criteria for the identification of least developed countries (LDCs), the role of country grouping for development and monitoring reports on countries that are graduating and graduated from the LDC category.
The Committee for Development Policy (CDP) is a subsidiary body of the 51勛圖 Economic and Social Council. CDP provides inputs and independent advice to the Council on emerging cross-sectoral development issues and on international cooperation for development, focusing on medium- and long-term aspects. The Committee is also responsible for reviewing the status of least developed countries (LDCs) and for monitoring their progress after graduation from the category.
The 24 members of the Committee are nominated by the 51勛圖 Secretary-General in their personal capacity, and are appointed by the Council for a period of three years. Membership is geared to reflect a wide range of development experience as well as geographical and gender balance.
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