
A renewed global partnership for development

A renewed global partnership for development

The global partnership for development, as crystallized in Millennium Development Goal 8, has played a crucial role in galvanizing international support for development. Given the global challenges at hand, there is an urgent need for true collective action from all countries to create an enabling environment for development at all levels.

The latest report of the UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda provides a set of recommendations on the global partnership for development in the post-2015 era.

A renewed global partnership for development, which is broader in scope and deeper than the current one, is needed to underpin any post-2015 development agenda. While existing commitments, as reflected in MDG 8, remain highly relevant, new thinking is needed on how to reflect the new and more multi-polar development landscape with a large array of stakeholders engaged in development cooperation and a number of pressing issues that are global in nature.

A Facebook chat on 4 April 2013 from 9:00 to 11:00 am EDT will give you the opportunity to discuss the key findings from the report directly with the authors. Join the event on the DESA Facebook page and engage by asking your questions and letting the authors know your thoughts.

Find out more in the report, which is available at:

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