

Record number of participants join meeting on the rights of persons with disabilities

The 10th session of the Conference of States Parties came full circle on 15 June, following a rich programme covering issues related to the advancement of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), during the second decade of its existence.

The event saw a record number of participants who attended and also presented at the Conference*s General Debate this year 每 around 130 in total. The Ministerial Segment included more than 20 high-level speakers, including the First Lady of Ecuador, the Chair of the CRPD Committee and the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The 10th Session was of particular importance as it formally started the Second Decade of the CRPD, and States Parties committed to a more participatory and inclusive implementation of the Convention. The implementation of the Convention is further strengthened by the ambitious and transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which for the first time recognizes persons with disabilities as agents of change for sustainable development.

The three round table discussions at the Conference focused on some of the most pertinent issues for persons with disabilities with regard to the realization of major global agreements of the last couple of years 每 the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, commitments in the humanitarian area and the New Urban Agenda 每 the success of which would largely depend on how governments take necessary action to empower persons with disabilities.

The traditional Civil Society Forum held on the day before the official opening of the Conference provided valuable input to the deliberations and contributed to a more comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of the topics addressed by this Conference.

This year*s COSP included over 80 side-events, performances and receptions. And for the first time, Member States and other stakeholders were given the opportunity to also present exhibits which helped in raising awareness about the key principles of the Convention by utilizing the methods of art in conveying important messages about the rights of persons with disabilities.

One of the most pressing issues that were highlighted often during the Conference, was the need for immediate attention to ensure disaggregation of data by disability. In order to deliver on the promise of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind and reach the furthest behind first, it is vital to include persons with disabilities who are often the most vulnerable in many circumstances.

Overall, the 10th session was successful in delivering on its main goal as outlined in the overarching theme 每 to ensure the inclusion and full participation of persons with disabilities and their representative organizations in the implementation of the Convention. Next year*s session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD will be held from 12-14 June 2018.

The Conference can be viewed as a useful platform to forge partnerships among the different stakeholders 每 Member States, persons with disabilities, civil society, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), the UN System, treaty bodies, special procedures and others 每 with a view to further promoting the principles of the Convention and ensuring that the human rights of over a billion persons with disabilities in the world are protected and upheld.

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