
Informal thematic debate on international migration and development

New York

19 May 2011


The President of the General  Assembly will host a one-day Informal  Thematic  Debate on International  Migration and Development ('the debate') at UN Headquarters in New York on 19 May 2011,  pursuant to . The debate is intended to build on the on-going dialogue on international migration and development, and to contribute to the process leading to the second High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development to be held by the UN General Assembly in 2013.


Organization of work 

Thursday, 19 May 2011

10:00 - 10:20

Opening remarks



10:20 -  13:00

Panel one: The Contribution of migrants to development


  • Chair: Mr. William Swing Director-General, International Organization for Migration




  • H.E. Ms. Lorena Escudero National Secretary for Migrants, Ecuador

  • Mr. Driss El Yazami President, National Human Rights Council, Morocco

  • Mr. Chukwu-Emeka Chikezie Co-Founder, Africa n Foundation for Development [AFFORD] and Consultant, Sierra Leone

  • Mr. Goran Hultin Chief Executive Officer, Caden Corporation and Contributor to the Talent Mobility Project, World Economic Forum

  • Professor John Connell Professor of Human Geography, University of Sydney


15:00 - 17:40

 Panel two: Improving international cooperation on migration and development


  • Chair: Dr. Khalid Koser, Academic Dean and Head of the New Issues in Security Course, Geneva Centre for Security Policy




  • Ambassador Eduard Gnesa Special Ambassador for International Cooperation on Migration Issues, Switzerland, in his capacity as Head of Switzerland's Presidency of the Global Forum on Migration and Development

  • H.E. Mr. Saqr Ghobash Minister of Labour United Arab Emirates (TBC)

  • Mr. Anthony Lake UNICEF Executive Director, in his capacity as Chair of the Global Migration Group

  • Ms. Thetis Mangahas Senior Migration Specialist and Deputy Regional Director, Policy and Programmes, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (TBC)

  • Dr. Rafael Fernandez de Castro Founder and Chair, Department of International Studies, Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico


17:40 - 18:00

  • Summary by Sir Peter Sutherland, Secretary-General's Special Representative on International Migration and Development
  • Closing remarks by the President of the General Assembly