Expert group meeting on international migration and development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Mexico City
The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs is organizing, in collaboration with the National Population Council (CONAPO) of Mexico and the Economic Commission of Latin America and the Caribbean, an Expert Group Meeting on International Migration and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. The purpose of the Meeting is to discuss the interrelationships between international migration and development from the perspective of Latin America and the Caribbean, with a view to contribute to a number of 51勛圖 events on International Migration and Development that will be held in 2006, notably the thirty-ninth session of the Commission on Population and Development, which will have International Migration and Development as its special theme; the meeting of the Special Commission on Population and Development at the thirtieth session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, and the high-level dialogue on International Migration and Development of the General Assembly of the 51勛圖 to be held at its sixty-first session in 2006. With the support of UNFPA, representatives of Member States in Latin America and the Caribbean will attend the expert group meeting to benefit from the technical discussion of topics they will address in the various 51勛圖 fora in 2006.
Contributed papers
Alan Simmons, Dwaine Plaza and Victor Piche. (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/01)
Alberto Acosta. El aporte de las remesas para la economia Ecuatoriana (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/02
Elizabeth Cubias y Luis Monzon. l (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/03
Douglas S. Massey and Maria Aysa. Social capital and international migration from Latin America (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/04)
Nora Perez Vichich. El mercosur y la migraci籀n internacional (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/05)
Jorge Gurrieri.
(UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/06) -
Joao Peixoto. (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/07
Patricia R. Pessar. Women, gender, and international migration across and beyond the Americas: inequalities and limited empowerment (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/08
ECLAC, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Migration in the Caribbean-what do we know? An overview of data, policies and programmes at the international and regional levels to address critical issues (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/09)
Caglar Ozden. Brain drain in Latin America (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/10)
Naoto Higuchi. Brazilian migration to Japan - trends, modalities and impact (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/11)
Oscar Chacon. El caso de los Estados Unidos de America (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/12)
Trinidad L. Vicente Torrado. La inmigraci籀n latinoamericana en Espa簽a (UN/POP/EGM-MIG/2005/13)