

Observance of International Youth Day 2021 - Transforming food systems: Youth innovation for human and planetary health

In 1999, General Assembly resolution 54/120 endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers of Youth (Lisbon, 8-12 August 1998) that 12 August be declared International Youth Day. Such a day provides an opportunity to celebrate young peoples’ views and initiatives on a global scale.

The theme of International Youth Day 2021 is, “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health”, with the aim of highlighting that the success of such a global effort will not be achieved without the meaningful participation of young people.


Commission on Population and Development, forty-fifth session (2012)

Adolescents and youth

Members of the Commission

Bureau members

  • Ambassador Hasan Kleib (Indonesia) - Asia-Pacific Group (Chair)

  • Ms. Martina Težak Budišic (Croatia) - Eastern-European Group (Vice-Chair)

  • Mr. William A. Awinador-Kanyirige (Ghana) - African Group(Vice-Chair)

  • Mr. Pius Wennubst (Switzerland) - Western European and Others Group (WEOG)(Vice-Chair)
