
Black and white image of youth raising their fists in protest. The photo is doctored with some splashes of color for emphasis.

Youth Standing Up for Human Rights is the theme of this year’s Human Rights Day (10 December). After a year marked by the 30th anniversary celebrations of the , the 51³Ô¹Ï is capitalising on the momentum and is spotlighting the leadership role of youth in collective movements as a source of inspiration for a better future. Under our universal call to action "Stand Up for Human rights," we aim to celebrate the potential of youth as constructive agents of change, to amplify their voices, and to engage a broad range of global audiences in the promotion and protection of rights.

Young girls chatting under the watchful eye of a majestic mountain.

Mountains are home to 15% of the world's population and 25% of the world's land animals and plants. They provide freshwater for everyday life to 50% of humanity. Their conservation is a key factor for our sustainable future; a future where youth will act as the leader and custodian of these natural jewels. Celebrated on 11 December, this year's International Mountain Day theme "" brings a great opportunity for young people to demand that mountains and mountain peoples be central in the national and international development agendas and receive more attention, investments and tailored research.

Maria Alexandrova became Bulgaria's first adolescent living with cerebral palsy to take the prestigious Cambridge Assessment in English. Her advocacy led to the local exam centre agreeing to change the timing of the test and let her use a computer.

The world-famous , where they scored big for its goals of peace (

A , produced by researchers from the , finds that more than 80% of school-going adolescents globally did not meet current recommendations of at least one hour of physical activity per day 

For the past 11 years, the  and  have invited youth filmmakers to submit short videos exploring the topics of migration, diversity, social inclusion, and the prevention of xenophobia. This year, received a record number of entries from 68+ countries.  the  taking place 13 November 10:00am-1:00pm (ECOSOC Chamber, NY).

Building Bridges - Young People Bring Color to Kosovo Heritage

Youth are leading the charge against climate change in Pacific island countries that are especially vulnerable to its damaging effects.

Secretary-General António Guterres (left) participates in Instagram Live with actor Aidan Gallagher, UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador.

Instagram Live with Secretary-General and Aidan Gallagher

Countering disheartening headlines about today’s young generation, the Voices of Youth community proves that young people ARE making a difference, each and every day. So and change the world.

As we look back on 30 years of the , we also look ahead to the next 30 years. "We must listen to you – today’s children and young people – about the issues of greatest concern to you now and begin working with you on twenty-first century solutions to twenty-first century problems." With that in mind, here are why UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta H. Fore is worried for children's future, and eight reasons why she thinks there is hope.

youth panel discussion in front of SDG wall poster

The Youth Climate Summit is a platform for young leaders to showcase their climate solutions and to meaningfully engage with decision-makers on the defining issue of our time. It brings together young activists, innovators, entrepreneurs, and change-makers, committed to combating climate change at the pace and scale needed to meet the challenge. It's action-oriented, intergenerational, and inclusive. This historic event takes place on Saturday, September 21 in New York, leading up to the Climate Action Summit on September 23. 

Youth Lens: Picturing the Future in Turkey

Digital Innovations are Bringing Youth Back to Agriculture

On International Youth Day, is highlighting the voices of young people as they strive toward a more just, equal and sustainable world.