
Newsletter: issue no. 4

Produced by the Office of the 51³Ô¹Ï High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Secretariat of the Durban Review Conference. The Conference aims to develop more effective strategies to fight racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

23 February 2009

High Commissioner releases proposals on combating racism
The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has released a major report in preparation for the Durban Review Conference. She calls on governments to transcend political differences and to work together to eliminate racism and xenophobia; and she proposes detailed technical steps to advance the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.



Negotiations on draft of conference outcome document
The latest round of informal consultations by the working group charged with continuing negotiations on the draft outcome document of the Durban Review Conference concluded February 16 with the first reading of the document almost complete.

The January 23 version of the document is the most recent currently available on-line.


Information on the participation of National Human Rights Institutions
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) are public institutions partly funded by individual governments and can play a crucial role in promoting and monitoring the effective implementation of international human rights standards at the national level. OHCHR will make limited funding available to assist some NHRIs to participate in the Durban Review Conference. Information on the role of NHRIs in the Conference and how they can apply for the funding to participate is available on a new NHRI page on the Durban Review Conference website.


Media accreditation for Durban Review Conference opens
Media representatives wishing to cover the Durban Review Conference in person are invited to apply for accreditation by the 51³Ô¹Ï Office at Geneva. Information on media accreditation and facilities are now available on the Durban Review Conference Website.


Latest issue of OHCHR’s E-Bulletin for NGOs
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has issued its latest information bulletin for NGOs. This issue contains detailed information about how NGOs can participate in the Durban Review Conference. All E-Bulletins for NGOs are posted on the Durban Review Conference Website.


To receive more information or to subscribe to the newsletter, send an e-mail to pressdurbanrevconf@ohchr.org
Contacts: Durban Review Conference press officers: Doune Porter (dporter@ohchr.org, tel. +41.22.928.95.95), Pierre Hazan (phazan@ohchr.org, tel. +41.22.917.92.83)