
Credentials Committee

A Credentials Committee is appointed at the beginning of each regular session of the General Assembly. It consists of nine members, who are appointed by the General Assembly on the proposal of the President.

The Committee reports to the Assembly on the credentials of representatives.

Structure and Functions

The credentials of representatives and the names of members of the delegation of each Member State are submitted to the Secretary-General and are issued either by the Head of the State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Rule 27 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly).

The Committee is mandated to examine the credentials of representatives of Member States and to report to the General Assembly thereon (Rule 28 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly).

Special and emergency special sessions of the General Assembly as well as conferences convened under its auspices also appoint a Credentials Committee having the same composition as that of the Credentials Committee at its most recent regular session.

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