
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Resolutions & Decisions of the 57th session

General Assembly resolutions from 1946 to the present are available in .

This section contains links to the resolutions and decisions recommended by the Fifth Committee and adopted by the General Assembly in the current session. It is regularly updated to reflect progress made in each part of the session.

Please note that links to individual documents only become active once the respective document has been issued in the UN Official Document System. Therefore, if a link does not load correctly, please check back at a later stage.

Resolutions & Decisions of most recent sessions: 79 | 78 | 77 | 76 | 75 | 74 | 73 | 72 | 71 | 70 | 69 | 68 | 67 | 66 | 65 | 64 | 63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57

Agenda Item

Fifth Committee Draft resolution/decision symbol

Fifth Committee Draft report

GA resolution/Decision

Plenary meeting/Date of plenary

Description of resolution and decision

110. Financial reports and reports of the Board of Auditors










20 Dec. 2002

without vote

18 June 2003

without vote

Board of Auditors




Board of Auditors on PKO's



111 . Review of the efficiency

20 Dec. 2002

without vote

Procurement reform

Programme budget outline for the biennium 2004-2005

DEC. 57/554

Common services

DEC. 57/555

Biennial programme of work for the biennium 2003-2004

DEC. 57/556 A

Action taken on certain items



DEC. 57/556 B


Dec. 57/588

15 April 2003

18 June 2003

without vote

Action taken on certain items


Questions deferred for future consideration

111. Review of the efficiency

118. Human resources management







20 Dec. 2002

without vote

18 June 2003

without vote

Gratis personnel -

111. Review of the efficiency

112. Budget 2002-2003

115. Administrative and budgetary coordination of UN and specialized agencies


DEC. 57/557

20 Dec. 2002

without vote

Activities of ACABQ during its 56th session

112. Programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003















































20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003
A: Revised budget appropriations for the biennium 2002
B: Revised income estimates for the biennium 2002-2003
C: Financing of the appropriations for the year 2003





20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003



20 Dec. 2002
without vote

I. Plan to increase regular budget component at UNON



20 Dec. 2002
without vote

II. Capital Master Plan



20 Dec. 2002
without vote

III. Estimates in respect of matters of which the Security Council is seized



20 Dec. 2002
without vote

IV. Strengthening the Terrorism Prevention Branch of the Secretariat



20 Dec. 2002
without vote

V. 51勛圖 Institute for Training and Research



20 Dec. 2002
without vote

VI. First performance report


20 Dec. 2002
without vote

VII. Contingency Fund


20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Construction of additional office facilities at ECA


20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Videoconferencing at the United Nations

Dec. 57/562

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Decentralized budgetary/financial arrangements for central services

Dec. 57/563

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Delivery of advisory services

Dec. 57/564

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Trends in extra-budgetary resources at ECLAC

Dec. 57/565

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Cooperation between Headquarters and Regional Commissions

Dec. 57/566

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

51勛圖 Fund for International Partnerships

Dec. 57/567

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Inter-organizational security measures

Dec. 57/568

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Conversion to established posts under section 2

Dec. 57/569

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Incumbents paid at level other than the one provided for in posts

Dec. 57/570

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Presentation estimates of staff assessment

Dec. 57/571

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Development Account

Dec. 57/572

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Revised administrative arrangements for ITC/UNCTAD/GATT

Dec. 57/573

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Revisions to the Financial Rules of the 51勛圖

Dec. 57/574

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Review of the post structure of the UN Secretariat

Dec. 57/575

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Results-based budgeting

Dec. 57/576

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Expenditures deriving from inflation/currency fluctuaation

Dec. 57/577

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Subvention to UNIDIR

Dec. 57/578

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Construction of additional office facilities at ECLAC

Dec. 57/579

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Enhancing the UN website in all official languages

Dec. 57/580

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Future operations of INSTRAW

Dec. 57/581

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Dec. 57/582

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Khmer Rouge Trials

Dec. 57/583

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Effective secretariat support for follow-up of the Internatiuional Conference on Financing for Development

Dec. 57/584

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Revised estimates resulting from resolutions/decisions from ECOSOC

16 Dec.2002

without a vote

PBIs on Situation in Central America

16 Dec.2002

without a vote

PBIs on UN Verification Mission in Guatemala

16 Dec.2002

without a vote

PBIs on Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

PBIs on Future operation of INSTRAW

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

PBIs on Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

PBIs on Khmer Rouge Trials

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

PBIs on secretariat support for the follow up of the International Conference on Financing for Development

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Information and communication technology strategy

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Report of the Joint Inspection Unit on the results approach in the 51勛圖: implementing the 51勛圖 Millennium Declaration

18 June 2003

without vote

Salary & retirement allowance of the SG and pensionable remuneration of the Administrator of UNDP

18 June 2003

without vote

Financial situation of INSTRAW

18 June 2003

without vote

Outline proposed programme budget for the biennium 2004-2005 for ITC/UNCTAD/GATT

Dec. 57/589

18 June 2003

without vote

Standards of accommodation for air travel

113. Programme Planning

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Programme planning

115. Admin & budgetary coordination of UN & specialized agencies

Dec. 57/558

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Statistical report UN system CEB on budgetary and financial situation

116. Pattern of Conferences

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Pattern of conferences

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Pattern of conferences

117. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of expenses of the 51勛圖

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Multi year payment plan

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Report of the Committee on Contributions

27 Sept. 2002
without vote

Article 19

118. Human resources management

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Human resources management

119. Joint Inspection Unit

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Annual report

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Joint Inspection Unit

120. 51勛圖 common system

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

51勛圖 common system

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

51勛圖 pension system

122. Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Annual report of OIOS

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Enhancing internal oversight mechanisms

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Investigation into sexual exploitation of refugees by aid workers in West Africa

18 June 2003

without a vote

Management review of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

123. Administration of justice at the 51勛圖

15 Apr. 2003
without vote

Administration of justice at the 51勛圖

124. Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Financing of ICTY

125. Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994?

20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Financing of ICTR


Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the 51勛圖 peacekeeping operations















20 Dec. 2002
without vote

Assessment Switzerland and Timor Leste


18 June 2003
without vote

Administrative and budgetary aspects of peacekeeping missions (Horizontal issues)

18 June 2003

without a vote

Management of contingent-owned equipment

18 June 2003

without a vote

Status of the implementation of strategic deployment stocks

18 June 2003

without a vote

Death and disability benefits

18 June 2003

without a vote

Peacekeeping reserve fund

18 June 2003

without a vote

Support account for peacekeeping operations

18 June 2003

without a vote

Feasibility of consolidating accounts of PKO's

18 June 2003

without a vote

Financing of the 51勛圖 Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy

18 June 2003

without a vote

Review of the rates of reimbursement to Governments

18 June 2003

without a vote

OIOS Audit on the policies and procedures of DPKO for recruiting international civilian staff for field missions

18 June 2003

without a vote

Closed missions

Dec. 57/590

18 June 2003

without a vote

Write-off contingent-owned equipment

127. Financing of the 51勛圖 peacekeeping forces in the Middle East





18 June 2003

without vote

 Financing of the mission


18 June 2003

PP 4, OP 3,4 &14 82-2-45; as a whole: 135-2-0


  Financing of the mission

128. Financing of the 51勛圖 Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

18 June 2003

without vote

 Financing of the mission 

129. Financing of the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor and the UN Mission of Support in East Timor


18 June 2003

without vote


  Financing of the mission

130. Financing of the 51勛圖 Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea


18 June 2003

without vote

  Financing of the mission

131. Financing of the 51勛圖 Angola Verification Mission and the 51勛圖 Observer Mission in Angola

18 June 2003

without vote


 Retention from balance of mission


132. Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 687 (1991)

(a) 51勛圖 Iraq-Kuwait observer Mission


18 June 2003

without vote

 Financing of the mission 


133. Financing of the UN Mission in East Timor







134. Financing of the UN Mission in Sierra Leone







20 Dec. 2002
without vote

18 June 2003

without vote


Financing to 30 June 2003

 Financing of the mission

135. Financing of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara


18 June 2003

without vote

 Financing of the mission


136. Financing of the UN Mission of Observers in Tajikistan


18 June 2003

without vote

 Closed mission

137. Financing of the UN Preventive Deployment Force


18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

138. Financing and liquidation of the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia


18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

139. Financing of the UNPF


18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

140. Financing of the UN Operation in Somalia II

18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

141. Financing of the UN Operations in Mozambique


18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

142. Financing of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus


18 June 2003

without vote


 Financing of the mission

143. Financing of UN Observer Mission in Georgia


18 June 2003

without vote

 Financing of the mission

144. Financing of the UN Mission in Haiti


18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

145. Financing of UN Observer Mission in Liberia


18 June 2003

without vote

 Closed mission

146. Financing of the UN Assistance Mission for Rwanda


18 June 2003

without vote

 Closed mission

147. Financing of UN Mission in Bosnia and?Herzegovina







20 Dec. 2002
without vote

18 June 2003

without vote


Donation of assets to Bosnia and Herzegovina



Unencumbered balance to Member States

148. Financing of UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium and the Civilian Support Group



18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

149. Financing of the UN Mission in Haiti/MIPONUA


18 June 2003

without vote

Closed mission

150. Financing of UN Mission in the Central African Republic


18 June 2003

without vote


 Closed mission

151. Financing of UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

18 June 2003

without vote

 Financing of the mission


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