Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (India)
Elected President of the eight session of the General Assembly
Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, the chief delegate of India. Born in 1900 of one of the most prominent families in the country, her father was a former President of the Indian National Congress and her brother, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is now Vice-President of the Executive Council and Member for External Affairs.
Mrs. Pandit was educated by governesses and tutors.
Mrs. Pandit has taken a leading part in her country's politics and has served three terms of imprisonment in connection with civil disobedience movements.
In 1937 she was elected a member of the Legislative Assembly of the United Provinces and became Minister for Local Self-Government and Public Health, which position she held till her party resigned from office in 1939.
She was re-elected in 1946 and again assumed the ministership of Local Self-Government and Public Health in the provincial government. Mrs. Pandit was President,of the All-India Women's Conference from 1941 to 1943 and is the founder and President of the All-India Save the Children.
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