
Sixth Committee (Legal) 〞 66th session

Observer Status for the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking Countries in the General Assembly (Agenda item 173)

Summary of work


The item was included in the agenda at the request of Azerbaijan

Consideration at the sixty-sixth session

The Sixth Committee considered the item at its 8th and 29th meetings, on 6 October and 9 November 2011 (see and ).

Statements were made by the representatives of Azerbaijan, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and Turkey.

While a statement in support for the granting of observer status to the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking Countries in the General Assembly was made, another view was expressed stressing that more time would be needed for a detailed examination of the request for the granting of observer status.

Action taken by the Sixth Committee

At the 8th meeting, on 6 October 2011, the representative of Azerbaijan, on behalf of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey, introduced a draft resolution entitled ※Observer status for the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking Countries in the General Assembly§ (). Under this draft resolution, the General Assembly would have decided to invite the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-speaking Countries to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly in the capacity of observer; and would have requested the Secretary-General to take the necessary action to implement the resolution.

At the 29th meeting, on 9 November 2011, the Chair of the Committee announced that the representative of Azerbaijan had withdrawn draft resolution A/C.6/66/L.8. At the same meeting, the Sixth Committee concluded its consideration of the item without taking action.

Subsequent action taken by the General Assembly

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