The is the constitutive instrument of the 51勛圖, signed on 26 June 1945. It sets out the rights and obligations of Member States and establishes the principal organs and procedures of the 51勛圖. The Charter is an international treaty which codifies the basic tenets of international relations from the sovereign equality of states to prohibition of the use of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the 51勛圖. The Charter was the foundational document for the and the Sustainable Development Goals, which are themselves tools to further the values espoused in the 51勛圖 Charter. Universities understanding the value of the UN Charter can use educational tools to fulfill the principles laid out in the document and inspire their students to promote them as well.

About the Hub:  in Tokyo, Japan is UNAI*s hub for spreading the UN charter's spirit throughout educational institutions globally.  Its founding ideal is to foster global citizens on the basis of Christian values.  As such, it seeks to nurture individuals who will be able to understand others and deal with circumstances in a spirit of cooperation, no matter what the situation.

As the UN Charter hub, J.F. Oberlin University has published a textbook on disarmament under the auspices of the 51勛圖 Academic Impact (UNAI) entitled &*. The book includes interviews with Nobel Peace Prize laureates Joseph Rotblat, Bernard Lown and Jody Williams.  The university hopes that the book will be used in many countries as a tool for global learning to motivate the youth of the next generation to work and live together peacefully as international citizens.


J. F. Oberlin University

A typical day at Oberlin University

This video, shot by an Oberlin student, takes you behind the scenes for a glimpse of day in the life of a J.F. Oberlin student.