

The pandemic presents both challenges and opportunities for reaching the Sustainable Development Goals. highlights that the challenges we face cannot be dealt with in isolation.

Innovating for people and planet in Vanuatu

Transforming food and agriculture

Using South-South Cooperation to replicate nature-based solutions

Tuvalu wields new data in the fight against climate change

The ocean and COVID-19

Transforming food and agriculture: Creating food security while fighting climate change

A pandemic allows for a what if moment:How to champion biodiversity as the world stands still

From mangrove to mountain:Building coastal resilience in Timor-Leste

A blue economy implies some measure of alignment between economic development and the health of the ocean. helps Seychelles, consisting of about 115 islands, strike that balance.

s focus on inequality and poverty makes them uniquely positioned to help countries to prepare, respond, and fully recover from the pandemic. UNDP conducts quick assessments of the social and economic blowback from COVID-19, so governments can ensure urgent recovery measures and longer-term social protection, especially for the disadvantaged and marginalized. The US$30 million Rapid Response Facility provides funds within 72 hours, and more than 83 countries have benefitted.

Our solutions are in nature

Prepare to Win: Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness in Sri Lanka

Islamic finance takes on COVID-19

Planting for the future: These seeds are the oxygen you will breathe