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Statements & Presentations: Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD)

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CSD 18th Session [CSD-18:Home]
3 - 14 May 2010
New York

Monday, 10 May 2010

Presenters are advised that in keeping with the new "Greening of Conference Services" the DSD can only post statements & presentations submitted to us electronically via the e-mail: dsd@un.org

Country/Affiliation Document Title
SIDS DAY: (am Session)
Review of the Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy (PrepCom for MIS+5)
Review of Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy - Secretary General’s report (E/CN.17/2010/9)
- presentation by Tariq Banuri, DSD Director, UN - Department of Economic and Social Development
Antigua & Barbuda Statement by Antigua & Barbuda
AOSIS Statement by Alliance of Small Island States
Australia Statement by Australia
EU Statement by European Union
Fiji Statement by Fiji
Guatemala Statement by Guatemala
[English] [Spanish]
India Statement by India
Indigenous Peoples Statement by Indigenous Peoples
Japan Statement by Japan
Mauritius Statement by Mauritius
Mexico Statement by Mexico
Pacific SIDS Statement by Pacific SIDS
Samoa Statement by Samoa
SIDS Statement by SIDS
Tanzania Statement by Tanzania
USA Statement by USA
Women Statement by Women
SIDS DAY: (pm Session)
Review of the Implementation of the Mauritius Strategy (PrepCom for MIS+5)
Integrated review of the thematic cluster of mining, chemicals, waste management, transport and sustainable consumption and production in small island developing States - Secretary General’s report E/CN.17/2010/14
- presentation by Tariq Banuri, DSD Director, UN - Department of Economic and Social Development
Solid Waste Management in Pacific Island Countries: Current Progress and Future Needs
Suggested Questions for the Round Table Discussion onWasteManagement in SIDS
- presentation & questions by Bruce Graham, Graham Environmental Consulting ltd., NZ
Paper on Challenges and Achievements on Small scale mining and Gender in Papua New Guinea
- by Immaculate Javia and Paulina Siop
Three Major Issues Preventing Sustainable Development in the Small Scale Mining Sector of PNG
- by Immaculate Javia
Cuba Statement by Cuba
EU Statement by European Union
Farmers Statement by Farmers
G77 & China Statement by Group of 77 and China
Indonesia Statement by Indonesia
ITU Statement by ITU
Women Statement by Women

Additional Statements & Presentations

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