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CSD-18 Intersessional Meeting:
Workshop on Case Studies in the Sound Management of Chemicals

Geneva, Switzerland, 3-4 December, 2009

This workshop is co-organized by 51Թ Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Sustainable Development (UNDESA-DSD), the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and the 51Թ Environment Programme Chemicals Branch.


The workshop's aim is to collect inputs, review and advance content for the CSD-18 publication “Practices in the Sound Management of Chemicals”


** Publication available shortly **

The workshop and subsequent case studies based publication will highlight challenges and successes in working with persistent organic pollutants, pesticides and other chemicals of priority concern.

Outputs will address issues such as

  • the open burning of plastic wastes,
  • heavy metals in toys,
  • and dealing with stockpiles of obsolete pesticides.

The publication will also feature initiatives that have contributed to the better management of chemicals such as making chemicals a priority in national development plans; improved legislation and international cooperation; and taking a full life-cycle view in assessments and management plans.