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Paulus, Professor of Law, Humboldt University, Berlin Steven T. Kargman, President, Kargman Associates, New York `,P7Pc7  c .3Sovereign Debt Restructuring Reform: State of Play44(*Basic issue need for more orderly, efficient and predictable process Four major approaches  Statutory approach IMF SDRM proposal  Contractual approach collective action clauses (CACs) Voluntary approach Codes of Conduct Existing institutions Paris Club and London Club P[PPPP[ &Proposal for a Sovereign Debt Tribunal''"( ' Precedent:  Dispute Resolution Forum in IMF SDRM proposal Recent example: Iraq restructuring (verification/reconciliation of claims) Desirability of comprehensive approach, but need to develop pragmatic approach in meantime     $ZProposal for Sovereign Debt Tribunal (cont d).."( .  Advantages of Sovereign Debt Tribunal Based on consensus among key stakeholders Neutral forum  de-emotionalization of disputes Provides structure and cohesion to process Create perception that there exists pool of experts to address these complex disputes V&&      8#(Where to Situate Sovereign Debt Tribunal))(Existing arbitration institution (e.g., ICC, LCIA, etc.)? Multilateral institution (e.g., World Bank, IMF, etc.)? ICSID? International Court of Justice? NGO proposal for ad hoc arbitration?9$bWhere to Situate Sovereign Debt Tribunal (cont d)22(Basic requirements International institution of sufficient standing Institution which is not potential creditor Need to gain widespread acceptance of choice of institution Recommendation: 51Թ P]\]\ :%)Establishing the Tribunal: Initial Steps**$.Secretary General s role in selection of appointment panel or in direct appointment of arbitrators see, e.g., SDRM model Election of president of tribunal Duties of president Draft procedural rules Decide on number of arbitrators for each case Appoint arbitrators for each case vdZZ6ZgZZd6g  <&Jurisdiction of TribunalDuties can be manifold Depends on ambitions of how far to extend influence of tribunal But depends on what is delineated by parties in relevant debt instrument (e.g., bond indenture, etc.) ='BJurisdiction of Tribunal (cont d)Minimum: verification of claims and voting issues Arbitration clause as a product of interaction between issuer and investors/underwriters Just narrow, technical legal issues? Legal validity of each claim Legal validity of sovereign s proposal*ZDZD>(BJurisdiction of Tribunal (cont d)Other potential issues for tribunal What constitutes  sustainable debt Whether underlying economic assumptions are reasonable Satisfaction of commencement criteria Whether parties have engaged in good faith negotiations Feasibility and/or reasonableness of restructuring plan Whether debt is  odious debt  but note caveats on this subject <$P0PP$1?)TWho is to be Bound by Tribunal s Decisions++(pBasic rule only those creditors whose underlying debt instrument contains arbitration clause Issue of inter-creditor equity But limitation if no arbitration clause in debt instrument @*!Triggers for Invoking ArbitrationTriggers Announcement of default Consider whether  imminent insolvency to be included Who Can Pull Trigger Sovereign alone, or creditors, too But will sovereign be willing to be subjected involuntarily to arbitration? Thus sovereign alone or sovereign and creditors acting in unison Yet contractual freedom of parties to decide  PNPPPPPP N  A+<Governing Law and Applicable Insolvency Rules and Principles==(Law of a particular jurisdiction? If so, any role for public international law Issue of inter-creditor equity where bonds issued under laws of different jurisdictions (NY law, UK law, German law, etc.)B,,Governing Law (cont d)Specific insolvency rules and principles Not one jurisdiction, but  law merchant General principles of insolvency set by multilaterals UNCITRAL, World Bank, IMF texts on insolvency law Need to adapt from commercial context N))6Z))6Z C-2Representation of Creditors in Arbitral Proceeding33(Need to avoid unwieldy process Debt instrument would need to specify mechanism Creditors committee? Indenture trustee?D.%Mediation as Precursor to Arbitration&&(Will mediation be formal prerequisite to invoking arbitration? Potential role for mediation regardless of whether formal prerequisite Complement to restructuring negotiationE/"Financing and Support for Tribunal##( Need for sponsoring organization to provide secretariat and office space Cost of any particular arbitration (including fees of arbitrators) to be borne by parties Arbitration can be expensive process so parties need to factor into decision as to whether to arbitrate Z F0 ConclusionAttempt to develop pragmatic approach Depends on prior contractual agreement of parties Necessary to develop new approaches as globalization increase number of actors in sovereign finance Possible confidence-building measure for embracing broader objectivesZ/ 0` MMM̙Cff3` fГ̳t` ` f` Ǫff3^` 3f7SFFx` ̙c`` 7S3` TOI.%s>?" dd@,?" dd@   K " d@ `$ n?" dd@   @@``PP   @ ` ` p>>  V(      HP ?"J  X Click to edit Master title style!! 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