
Review of Progress Made in Structural Economic Transformation in Euro-Asian LLDCs (2019)

This paper reviews progress made by LLDCs in Asia and Europe in structural economic transformation (Priority 5 of the Vienna Program of Action - VPoA). It covers 10 Asian (Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Lao PDR, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and 4 European (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Macedonia and Republic of Moldova) LLDCs.

The development progress and challenges of the LLDCs are summarized and supported by publicly available data in terms of economic growth, trade and overall economic transition to market economy. The discussion covers sectoral production and employment shares and the deepening of manufacturing. In addition, related indicators of economic dynamism and competitiveness are presented. Furthermore, highlights on structural transformations in selected countries are provided. Based on available individual country reports, highlights on domestic policies for structural transformation are presented. More importantly, the report proposes an overall policy framework for structural transformation.


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