

In Guatemala, the digitization of 2.9 million documents from the historical archive of the National Police, implemented through a $4 million project of UNDP, has made essential information on past violations available to judicial institutions and 2,700 victims of grave rights violations committed during the internal armed conflict. Through the project, eight cases of grave rights violations have been initiated following the provision of technical and legal advice and psychosocial support to nearly 2,000 relatives of victims and witnesses. To end the cycle of violence, the Ministry of Education incorporated transitional justice, historical memory and peace education into social studies within academia on a pilot basis. Through a $1.5 million investment, UNODC, ILO and UN-Women supported the equal participation of indigenous women leaders, with 25 project beneficiaries becoming members of local electoral councils and 92 indigenous women leaders working to curb hate speech and violence against women in three regions. To meet the needs of returning migrants, local governments have supported the start-up of 68 youth-led enterprises through a $1.5 million project implemented by FAO, IOM and UNESCO.?

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