
Lead organization: The implementation of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSA) and Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) activities is coordinated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in collaboratio

Activity Start date: 
Activity Start date ongoing: 
Activity End date: 
Activity End date ongoing: 
The activities of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative fall into the following categories:a. Global Dialogue with Regional Seas Organizations and Regional Fisheries Bodies on Accelerating Progress Towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and Sustainable Development Goalsb. Global Partnership Meetingsc. Global-Level Training of Trainersd. Regional Capacity-Building Workshops ande. National Capacity-Building Workshops.7. The capacity building activities of the CBDs work on EBSAs fall into the following categories:a. CBD regional workshops to facilitate the description of EBSAsb. Training sessions prior to CBD regional workshops to facilitate the description of EBSAsc. Dialogue Forum on integrating the perspectives of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) in the application of the scientific criteria for EBSAsd. Training materials to support efforts to describe EBSAs.
Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) focuses on assisting Parties in achieving a balance between the conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity through the application of an action-oriented, holistic and integrated capacity-building framework. Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) is committed to building bridges between biodiversity conservation and resource management sectors. The activities of SOI aim to a. Facilitate the sharing and exchange of knowledge, information, experience and best practicesb. Create partnerships that can provide targeted capacity-building and technical assistance in support of on-the-ground implementation prioritiesc. Enhance interactive communication among global policy, science and local stakeholdersd. Facilitate the monitoring of progress towards global goals and targetse. Develop partnerships among different sectors and stakeholders on local, regional and global scalesf. Work together to achieve a balance between the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity, and promoting flexible and diverse approaches towards this end.The focus of the efforts under the CBD on EBSAs, and associated capacity building activities, is on supporting Parties and relevant organizations in describing areas meeting the EBSA criteria and on using the EBSA information to support the selection and application of appropriate conservation and management measures, in line with the ecosystem approach.
Lead Organization/Partners : 
Lead organization: The implementation of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSA) and Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) activities is coordinated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in collaboration with various donors and with the technical support of collaborating governments and organizations around the world. Partners: SOI partners compose a wide range of global, regional or national institutions/programmes/initiatives, who share the vision of SOI and provide various types of in-kind contributions to contribute to the mission of SOI. In-kind contributions can include, for example, provisioning of scientific and/or technical expertise, contribution of relevant materials, and hosting of workshops and events, among other types of support. In addition to those that provide in-kind support, SOI partners also entail those countries or organizations that participate in SOI activities (workshops, training, etc.), work to enhance implementation in their respective regions/countries/communities by using tools, resources and knowledge gained through involvement in SOI, and commit to share their experiences, knowledge, and lessons learned through SOI for the benefit of CBD Parties and other SOI partners. In this way, SOI creates an iterative process whereby recipients of capacity building resources provided through SOI enhance their implementation, then develop their own experiences, lessons, and knowledge to share with others through SOI.Activities under the CBD related to EBSAs are conducted in collaboration with CBD Parties, regional organizations (namely regional seas organizations and regional fishery bodies), global scientific partnerships and initiatives, non-governmental organizations and indigenous people and local communities.
Scope of Activity: 
The various activities addressed in this document aim to address capacity needs at the global, regional, national and local levels, depending on the activity and the target audience.
Activity Start date: 
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Relevant Stakeholder: 
Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)