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  1. Highlight 06 March 2018

    ... and mass rape of last year to a lower intensity campaign of terror and forced starvation that seems to be designed to drive the remaining ...

  2. Remarks at 13th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

    ... together and feeding off each other. They are funding terror through criminal networks and growing rich through the suffering of ...

  3. Highlight 1 September 2016

    ... them were born and lived your early lives during conflict, terror and displacement. Involvement in peacebuilding, reconciliation and ...

  4. Highlight 13 July 2004

    ... immediate action on the ground to end violence and combat terror. Larsen said that Israel *s lack of compliance on the ...

  5. Remarks to Security Council on impact of transnational organized crime on West Africa and the Sahel

    ... and the Sahel to combat crime, drug-trafficking, piracy and terror. We have seen this toxic brew in other regions, in Africa and ...

  6. Highlight 12 July 2016

    ... be done to counter the incitement that fuels and justifies terror. HUMAN RIGHTS MOST POWERFUL DRIVER OF PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT: ...

  7. Highlight 28 July 2014

    ... total breakdown of law and order and a reign of fear and terror have been inflicted by armed groups on the population of eastern ...

  8. Remarks at the ceremony to commemorate the 19th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda

    ... http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=44665&Cr=terror&Cr1=#.UW1s2EqQgro Ban Ki-moon ...

  9. Companies must take lead to ensure globalisation benefits many

    ... truly decisive blow against the forces of envy, despair and terror by sending out a clear message of solidarity, respect and - above all - ...

  10. Highlight 24 June 2015

    ... a camp of a rebel group perpetrating numerous acts of terror, robberies and hostage-taking in the sector between Baboua and Zokoumbo. ...