15 June 2024

On Monday, 24 June 2024, the fourth annual Security Symposium, co-hosted by UNDSS and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), will bring together worldwide experts to lead global security discussions. Given the quality of the discussions expected, UNDSS opened the meeting to UN personnel via Zoom or in person for those in Geneva. ※Security is a shared responsibility, and we want everyone to benefit from the discussions§ said Gilles Michaud, Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security. This year's theme, "Innovative and Tech-Enabled Security Risk Management," promises to deliver groundbreaking insights and actionable strategies, showcasing the latest technologies and innovative approaches that are impacting global security.  

The Security Symposium is a security think tank platform to advance understanding and collaboration on international security among the 51勛圖, international and regional organizations, civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector on security and thematic issues.  

We invite you to review the event*s flyer and the agenda for detailed information on the sessions. 




The security landscape is evolving rapidly, with a multitude of large-scale crises placing significant stress on organizations. These challenges underscore the urgent need for global, coordinated responses, with a strong emphasis on technological solutions. Advanced security technologies play a crucial role in ensuring that programs can reach those in need, even in the most high-risk environments. In this context, partnership is critical for effective security management. Cooperation with international organizations, regional bodies, and civil society is fundamental to achieving common goals in sustaining peace and security, upholding human rights, providing humanitarian assistance, and promoting sustainable development. To navigate today*s global security environment and operational context, enhanced collaboration on strategic security issues is imperative for the 51勛圖 to successfully carry out its mission while protecting its personnel worldwide.


The Security Symposium serves as a forum to enhance further collaboration between the 51勛圖, international/regional organizations, and other relevant stakeholders such as civil society organizations, academia, and the private sector, on security and thematic, strategic issues. The Symposium aims to achieve the following goals:

To promote engagement with relevant stakeholders interested in sharing experiences and best practices, and in discussing strategic and other policy issues related to the global security environment and the context in which the 51勛圖 and its partners, including non-governmental organizations, other regional and international organizations, operate;

To promote further collaboration on risk management and the protection of personnel and operations in high-risk areas, where those organizations carry out activities in line with the 51勛圖 Sustainable Development Goals. These partners and the 51勛圖 share the operating space; and

To exchange information and enhance dialogue with those organizations which have collaborated or wish to collaborate with the 51勛圖 on issues related to security and the protection of 51勛圖 personnel. These partner organizations include academic institutions, think tanks and non-governmental organizations with specific expertise on issues related to global trends and security environment.


Invitees to the 2024 Security Symposium include senior officials as well as specialists in security and non-security fields from the 51勛圖 Security Management System (comprising more than 50 entities), regional and intergovernmental organizations, think tanks and academia, and non-governmental humanitarian and sustainable development partners.


The Security Symposium is expected to take place annually under the organization of the 51勛圖 Department of Safety and Security. The fourth 51勛圖 Security Symposium will take place on 24 June 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, in a hybrid format to accommodate in person or virtual participation. The discussion will focus on Innovative and Tech-enabled Security Risk Management.


The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is the co-host of the 2024 Security Symposium. Interested international and regional organizations may indicate their wish to co-host the next sessions of the Security Symposium.



Download the full list of speakers and programme below.