

Technical Cooperation

Technical Cooperation Programmes

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Activities for the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Enhancing Women's Participation in Peace-Building (2001-2003)

The objective of the project was to support the increased role of women in leadership and decision-making, in particular during the peace-building process, through capacity-building.

Past events include:

Training workshop on “Conflict Management for Women: Enhancing Women’s Capacity to Negotiate and Mediate”
Kigali, Rwanda, 15-19 September 2003

A further workshop was held in Kigali, Rwanda, in September 2003 to enhance the capacity of senior women government officials and NGO leadership in more effective conflict management, including preventing conflicts from escalating into crises. The workshop aimed to strengthen knowledge, understanding and practical skills in critically assessing and identifying the appropriate use of mediation in different contexts and developing communication skills for negotiation and mediation, including through balancing the issues and interests of different parties. The workshop approach included, among other activities, role plays and simulation exercises.

Aide Memoire (French)
Kigali Declaration [ English | French ]

Advanced training workshop on “Conflict Management for Women: Enhancing Women’s Capacity to Negotiate and Mediate”
Conakry, Guinea, 20-25 October 2002

To follow up the training workshop held in Cape Town, DAW, in collaboration with CCR and the Mano River Women Peace Network, organized an advanced course for women who had completed the 5-day basic conflict resolution training. Several women who were involved in negotiation and mediation in conflict situations in the Mano River region were invited to the workshop. The workshop aimed to further strengthen knowledge, understanding and skills acquired at the basic training through role-plays and simulations.

Aide Memoire

Training workshop on "Conflict Management for Women"
Cape Town, South Africa, 22-26 October 2001

To address some of the capacity-building needs identified in the consultation meeting, DAW organized a training workshop on "Conflict Management for Women", in close collaboration with the Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR) of the University of Cape Town, in October 2001. This training specifically aimed to enable women participants to acquire lobbying and advocacy skills and assess and use different negotiation and mediation approaches, through development of case studies and simulation exercises.

Consultation Meeting on "Enhancing Women's Participation in Peace-Building"
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 2001

A consultation meeting on "Enhancing Women's Participation in Peace-building" was organized in Addis Ababa in April 2001 in close collaboration with the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Women Committee on Peace and Development (AWCPD). The meeting reviewed current initiatives in relation to women and peace-building to identify strengths, weaknesses and capacity building needs for women to enhance their contribution to the peace process. The findings included the need to:
(i) launch and support a women's peace network in the Great Lakes Region;
(ii) train women in political skills, including communication, mediation, and negotiation skills;
(iii) train trainers in conflict resolution and in assisting women in exercising their human rights;
(iv) build support for alliances with and between grassroots, national, regional and international women's groups;
(v) support training in stress and trauma healing and counseling; and
(vi) train NGOs in early warning methods.

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