


CEDAW 24th Session

15 January -2 February 2001

../burundi.gif (2416 bytes)  Burundi
CEDAW/C/BDI/1: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 488th meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 489th meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 496th meeting [ | | | | | ]


egypt.gif (888 bytes)   Egypt
CEDAW/C/EGY/3: [ | | | | | ]
CEDAW/C/EGY/4-5: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 492nd meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 493rd meeting [ | | | | | ]
finland.gif (893 bytes)   Finland
CEDAW/C/FIN/3: [ | | | | | ]
CEDAW/C/FIN/4: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 494th meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 495th meeting [ | | | | | ]

jamaica.gif (930 bytes)  Jamaica
CEDAW/C/JAM/2-4: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 502nd meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 503rd meeting [ | | | | | ]

kazakhstan.gif (982 bytes)   Kazakhstan
CEDAW/C/KAZ/1: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 490th meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 491st meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 497th meeting [ | | | | | ]

maldives.gif (890 bytes)   Maldives
CEDAW/C/MDV/1: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 490th meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 491st meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 503rd meeting [ | | | | | ]

mongolia.gif (898 bytes) Mongolia
CEDAW/C/MNG/3-4: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 504th meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 505th meeting [ | | | | | ]

uzbekistan.gif (907 bytes) Uzbekistan
CEDAW/C/UZB/1: [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 500th meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 501st meeting [ | | | | | ]
Summary record of the 507th meeting [ | | | | | ]

Final Report

Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Twenty-fourth session (15 January-2 February 2001), Twenty-fifth session (2-20 July 2001) [ General Assembly Official Records: Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/56/38(SUPP)) ]
Available in: | | | | |

Press releases

[02 Feb 2001]

[02 Feb 2001]

[30 Jan 2001]

[30 Jan 2001]

[29 Jan 2001]

[26 Jan 2001]

[25 Jan 2001]

[24 Jan 2001]

[23 Jan 2001]

[23 Jan 2001]

[22 Jan 2001]

[19 Jan 2001]

[19 Jan 2001]

[18 Jan 2001]

[18 Jan 2001]

[17 Jan 2001]

[17 Jan 2001]

[16 January 2001]

[15 January 2001]