Commission on the Status of Women
March 2003
for the Advancement of Women
of the NGO community and the UN system,
and colleagues,
It is an honour to address the 47th session of the Commission
on the Status of Women. I would like to extend a particularly warm welcome to
representatives from Governments and from non-governmental organizations who
have travelled to New York for the Commission’s annual session. Your participation at global level is
critical for guiding the work on gender equality, and for strengthening the
links between the global policy making level and national level where
implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome document of
the 23rd special session has to take place.
In accordance with its
multi-year programme of work, the Commission will consider two thematic issues
at its present session, in addition to a number of recurrent matters.
Consideration of the thematic issues is the core of the Commission’s annual
work, and a critical contribution to the systematic follow-up to the Beijing
Platform for Action and the outcome document of the 23rd special
session. Focusing on selected topics
allows the Commission to strengthen and accelerate implementation of the
recommendations in these documents, to further refine the global policy
framework for gender equality as it pertains to the themes, and to ensure
practical action at all levels. It is
also an opportunity to reinforce links between implementation of these
gender-specific instruments and other global policy instruments, such as the
Millennium Declaration.
first topic addresses the participation and access of women to the media, and
information and communication technologies, and their impact on and use as an
instrument for the advancement and empowerment of women. This provides the
Commission with an opportunity to contribute to the preparations for the World
Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), to be held in Geneva in December 2003
and in Tunis in 2005.
Division for the Advancement of Women convened two expert group meetings to
support preparations on this topic. In collaboration with the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Secretariat of the UN ICT Task Force, we
held an expert group meeting in November, generously hosted by the Government
of the Republic of Korea. A second
expert group meeting, in collaboration with DPI, UNESCO and ESCWA, took place
at ESCWA Headquarters in Beirut, also in November. Both meetings provided essential input for the
Secretary-General’s report, which is before you (E/CN.6/2003/6). The reports of both meetings have been
widely disseminated through our website, and copies are available in the
Secretary-General’s report notes that women’s participation and access to the
media, after many years on national and international agendas, remains an issue
that requires our continuing attention.
The role of ICT in the promotion of gender equality is, on the other
hand, a much newer concern, as the question of ICT for development itself has
only recently moved onto the UN’s agenda.
The prominent role of new information and communications technologies in
the media raises a series of questions of access and participation that need to
be addressed from a gender perspective.
Similarly, the increasing prominence of ICT as a tool for development
calls for clear guidance to ensure that all aspects of this sector, from policy
development to regulatory aspects, are informed by an understanding of gender
differences and inequalities in access and use, and requires that relevant
responses are developed.
The second theme
before the Commission addresses women’s human rights and elimination of all
forms of violence against women and girls, which are inextricably linked. The
expert group meeting, organized by the Division in collaboration with the
51³Ô¹Ï Office on Drugs and Crime (ODC), in Glen Cove, New York, in
November last year, examined one form of violence which has reached world wide
proportions and has required a strengthened focus by the international
community in recent years, namely trafficking in women and girls. The results of that meeting constituted an
important input to the report of the Secretary-General, which is before the
Commission in document E/CN.6/2003/7. The Secretary-General’s report covers a
broad range of issues and activities undertaken in the 51³Ô¹Ï –
particularly since the adoption of the outcome document of the General
Assembly’s twenty-third special session – in respect of women’s human rights
and violence against women. The report notes that all forms of violence against
women are violations of most or all basic human rights, and highlights
important regional and international developments, such as the adoption by the
General Assembly in 2000 of the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish
Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, which supplements the UN
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. We hope that this Protocol
will enter into force in the very near future.
The Commission may
wish to bring the output of its consideration under this topic to the attention
of the twelfth session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal
Justice, to be held in May 2003, which will address, among other issues,
trafficking in persons, particularly women and children.
Consideration of the
two thematic issues should be further enriched by the panel discussions that
are scheduled to take place this afternoon and tomorrow morning,
Last year, the
Commission decided to introduce the option of convening high-level round tables
as part of its annual session to enhance implementation of the Platform for
Action and the outcome document. The
Bureau of the Commission has consulted extensively with members, and prepared a
discussion guide for the first of these round tables to be held tomorrow
afternoon (E/CN.6/2003/CRP.3). The
round table, which will follow the two panel discussions, should provide an
opportunity for senior representatives of national machineries for the
advancement of women, who attend the Commission from Capitals, to have a
dialogue on national experiences in institutional capacity-building especially
in relation to the two themes before the Commission. In deciding to hold such a round-table, the Commission has taken
yet another step forward in ensuring that its working methods are conducive to
interactive dialogue, exchange of national experiences and lessons learned
among those who travel to New York to attend its annual sessions.
Distinguished delegates,
A report before you in document
E/CN.6/2002/2 shows progress in mainstreaming a gender perspective within the
UN system. The report complements the
report submitted to the General Assembly at its 57th session
(A/57/286) which reviewed the attention given to gender perspectives by the
Assembly itself and by international events of the last year, such as the Second
World Assembly on Ageing and the International Conference on Financing for
Development; and the report submitted to the Economic and Social Council
(E/2002/66), which reviewed the Council’s work and that of its functional
commissions from a gender perspective.
Based on the analysis, the report before you recommends that next year’s
report to the Commission focus on the remaining gaps in policy frameworks and
strategies for gender equality in place in the entities of the 51³Ô¹Ï
system, and on assessing the impact of such strategies. The report, together with those submitted to
the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, are building blocks
towards the review of progress made in the implementation of ECOSOC agreed
conclusions 1997/2 on gender mainstreaming, which the Council has agreed to
undertake before 2005. The Commission’s
guidance in this regard will be critical in ensuring a timely and comprehensive
As in previous years, the
Commission has before it a report on the situation of, and assistance to,
Palestinian women (document E/CN.6/2002/3).
The report reviews in particular the differences in the ways in which
women and men respectively are affected by the socio-economic and political
situation, and suggests that further opportunities should be sought to
highlight such differences, so that targeted action can be taken to mitigate
negative gender-specific impacts.
Also before you is the joint work plan of the
Division for the Advancement of Women and the Office of the 51³Ô¹Ï High
Commissioner for Human Rights (E/CN.6/2003/5). Since the inception of this
exercise some five years ago, staff exchanges, consultations on topics of
relevance to both entities and mutual attendance at meetings of policy organs
and treaty-related bodies have been pursued by both sides in a more regular and
systematic manner. Efforts are being made during 2003 to focus on practical and
substantive issues of cooperation at the national and regional levels, and on
increased coordination in respect of treaty-related procedures, including in
light of the reform proposals of the Secretary-General.
The Commission also has before it document
E/CN.6/2003/CRP.1, a summary of the outcome of the twenty-eighth session of the
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, and
E/CN.6/2003/CRP.2, containing the programmatic aspects of the programme budget
2004-2005 for subprogramme 2, gender issues and advancement of women, for its
review, comments and any recommendations it may wish to make.
I should also like to note that,
compared to last year, we have seen an increase in the number of statements
submitted by the NGO community. This
may be seen as a reflection of the intensified commitment and interest on the
part of NGOs to advance gender equality issues through the global forum the
Commission provides.
The Division’s small technical cooperation programme is an
important part of our work and is directly linked to our responsibilities for
normative, analytical and policy development on gender equality. As part of this effort, we work with
national machineries for the advancement of women to enhance their capacity to
implement the commitments of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action,
and the outcome document of its 2000 review session, and to act as catalysts
for gender mainstreaming within their Governments. We also undertake activities in support of States parties’
capacity to implement the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women, including their reporting obligations. Over the last year, we have refocused our
work to strengthen the links between our work on policy issues and that in
technical cooperation. We have
implemented several workshops, usually in cooperation with other entities of
the 51³Ô¹Ï, in particular the Regional Commissions and UNDP, including
training workshops on CEDAW in Bangkok, a Forum for Parliamentarians in
Bangkok, and just a week ago, a workshop on gender-sensitive planning and
budgeting in Mali. I would like to
extend the Division’s sincere appreciation to all Governments that have
contributed extra-budgetary resources to these activities, or have hosted such
events. We will continue to sharpen our
approach and enhance collaborative ties with other UN entities, and we will
also continue to seek resources for particular events.
During the last several months, we have sent
a number of publications, such as the Secretary-General’s study on Women, Peace
and Security, and the CD ROM “Women Go Global”, on the 51³Ô¹Ï and the
International Women’s Movement 1945-2000, to national machineries. We were heartened by the very positive
response we received and hope, in the future, to enhance the direct contact
with national machineries. An updated
Directory of National Machineries has been distributed and extra copies are
available in the room. I should like to
note that we have received about a dozen updates and additions to the Directory
over the last few days, but too late to include them in the version before
you. I want to assure you that these
additions will be reflected in the next update, which will be prepared for the
General Assembly in the fall of 2003.
Together with all the staff of the Division
for the Advancement of Women, I stand ready to support you, and this
Commission, in any way possible, and look forward to meeting many of you in
more informal meetings. I wish you success in your deliberations.