
Follow for the latest updates and information before and during the session. Find out about official side events, room changes, short registration lines, and when to pick up your Special Event Tags. And to share information about your own events!

Pre-registered NGOs: Download the five NGO advisories with important information about the session. Please share the advisories with your representatives:

REMINDER: Deadline 17 February 2012 for submission of requests for oral statements by NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC!

The schedule of CSW56 side events is now online:
First week, 27 February - 2 March | Second week, 5 - 9 March

Online sign-up for NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC wishing to make oral statements:

1) During the general discussion at CSW56:
2) During the interactive experts panels at CSW56:

The deadline for submission of requests is 17 February 2012 for both types of interventions.