List of ECOSOC/Beijing and new accredited NGOs that attended the special session of the General Assembly
"Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century"
Name of Organization |
Country |
Region |
Pan-African Women's Organization | Angola | ECA |
Rede Mulher/Angola (Angolan Women Network) | Angola | ECA |
Emang Basadi Women's Association | Botswana | ECA |
African Women's Association | Cameroon | ECA |
Association Pour Le Dévéloppement Harmonieux De La Mère Et De L'enfant Du Cameroun | Cameroon | ECA |
Comite D'action Pour Les Droits De L'enfant Et De La Femme | Cameroon | ECA |
Cellule De Liaison Et D'information Des Associations Feminines | Chad | ECA |
Projet Communautraire Integre Pour Le Developpement | Congo | ECA |
Reseau Action Femme | Congo | ECA |
Comite International Des Femmes Africaines Pour Le Developpement (Cifad) | Cote D'ivoire | ECA |
Heinrich Boll Foundation, Horn Of Africa | Ethiopia | ECA |
Inter-African Committee (Iac) | Ethiopia | ECA |
Femmes Du Moyen-Ogouee | Gabon | ECA |
Association Of Non-Governmental Organizations, The | Gambia | ECA |
Zambia National Women's Lobby Group | Gambia | ECA |
31st December Women's Movement | Ghana | ECA |
African Federation Of Women Entrerpreneurs | Ghana | ECA |
Organization Of African Trade Union Unity | Ghana | ECA |
Third World Network | Ghana | ECA |
Commission National Des Femmes Travailleuses De Guinee - Confetrag/Cntg | Guinea | ECA |
Groupement Des Femmes D'affaires De Guinea | Guinea | ECA |
African Center For Empowerment, Gender And Advocacy | Kenya | ECA |
African Women's Development And Communication Network (Femnet) | Kenya | ECA |
Coalition On Violence Against Women-Kenya | Kenya | ECA |
Council For Economic Empowerment Of Women In Africa | Kenya | ECA |
Education Centre For Women In Democracy - Ecwd | Kenya | ECA |
Family Life Promotion And Services | Kenya | ECA |
International Federation Of Women Lawyers - Kenya Chapter | Kenya | ECA |
Kangemi Women Empowerment Centre | Kenya | ECA |
League Of Kenya Women Voters | Kenya | ECA |
Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization | Kenya | ECA |
National Council Of Women Of Kenya | Kenya | ECA |
Widows And Orphans Welfare Society Of Kenya | Kenya | ECA |
Women Educational Researchers Of Kenya | Kenya | ECA |
World Federation Of Methodist And Uniting Church Women | Kenya | ECA |
African Association Of Education And Development-Mali | Mali | ECA |
Association Des Femmes Educatrice Du Mali | Mali | ECA |
Association Des Juristes Maliennes | Mali | ECA |
Association Pour Le Progres Et La Defense Des Droits Des Femmes Maliennes | Mali | ECA |
S.O.S. Femmes | Mauritius | ECA |
Agence De Recherches D'information Et Formation Pour Les Femmes | Morocco | ECA |
Association Democratique Des Femmes Du Maroc | Morocco | ECA |
Association Marocaine De Planification Familiale | Morocco | ECA |
Association Marocaine Des Droits Des Femmes (Amde) | Morocco | ECA |
Association Marocaine Pour La Promotion De La Femme Rurale | Morocco | ECA |
Association Marocaine Pour La Promotion De L'entreprise Feminine | Morocco | ECA |
Comite Des Femmes Marocaines Pour Le Developpement | Morocco | ECA |
Commission Nationale De Femme Du Mouvement Populaire | Morocco | ECA |
Conseil National De La Jeunesse Et De L'avenir Du Maroc | Morocco | ECA |
El Huda Association For Feminine Action | Morocco | ECA |
Fem'art | Morocco | ECA |
Ligue Nationale Des Femmes Fonctionnaires Des Secteurs Public Et Semi Public | Morocco | ECA |
Union De L'action Feminine (W.A.F.) | Morocco | ECA |
Union Nationale Des Femmes Marocaines | Morocco | ECA |
Collectif 95 Maghreb Egalite | Morocoo | ECA |
Namibian Women's Association (Nawa) | Namibia | ECA |
Sister Namibia Collective | Namibia | ECA |
The Rainbow Project | Namibia | ECA |
Association Nigerienne Des Educatrices Pour Le Developpement | Niger | ECA |
Association Pour L'integration De La Femme Dans L'economie Nigerienne | Niger | ECA |
Rassemblement Democratique Des Femmes Du Niger | Niger | ECA |
Salubrite Propriete Hygiene Techniques D'assainissement | Niger | ECA |
Action Health Incorporated | Nigeria | ECA |
African Women Empowerment Guild | Nigeria | ECA |
Baobab For Women's Human Rights | Nigeria | ECA |
Country Women Association Of Nigeria | Nigeria | ECA |
Grassroots Women Foundation | Nigeria | ECA |
Network Of African Rural Women Associations | Nigeria | ECA |
Nigerian Centre For Research And Documentation | Nigeria | ECA |
Planned Parenthood Federation Of Nigeria | Nigeria | ECA |
Society For The Welfare Of Women Prisoners | Nigeria | ECA |
Women In Nigeria | Nigeria | ECA |
Women Law And Development Centre, Nigeria | Nigeria | ECA |
Women's Aid Collective | Nigeria | ECA |
Women's Consortium Of Nigeria | Nigeria | ECA |
Women's Rights And Development Centre | Nigeria | ECA |
Association Of African Women For Research And Development | Senegal | ECA |
Environnement Et Developpement Du Tiers Monde (Endatm) | Senegal | ECA |
Fondation For Assistance To Orphans | Senegal | ECA |
Institut Africain Pour La Democratie | Senegal | ECA |
Coalition For Grassroots Women Organizations | Somalia | ECA |
African Information Society Working Group | South Africa | ECA |
Anc Women's League | South Africa | ECA |
Buildbuilders International | South Africa | ECA |
Gender Advocacy Programme, The | South Africa | ECA |
Women's Health Project | South Africa | ECA |
Women's National Coalition | South Africa | ECA |
Ahfad University For Women | Sudan | ECA |
Babiker Badri Scientific Association For Women's Studies | Sudan | ECA |
Hawa Society For Women | Sudan | ECA |
International Muslim Women's Union | Sudan | ECA |
Sudan National Committee On Harmful Traditional Practices | Sudan | ECA |
Sudan Workers Trade Unions Federation | Sudan | ECA |
Sudanese Women General Union | Sudan | ECA |
Women Forum | Sudan | ECA |
Tanzania Association Of Nongovernmental Organizations (Tango) | Tanzania | ECA |
Association Feminine Tunisie 21 | Tunisia | ECA |
Association Tunisienne Des Meres | Tunisia | ECA |
Association Tunisienne Pour La Protection De La Nature Et De L'environnement | Tunisia | ECA |
Centre Of Arab Women For Training And Research | Tunisia | ECA |
Chambre Nationale Des Femmes Chefs D'entreprise | Tunisia | ECA |
Femmes Chefs D'entreprises Mondiales (Fcem) | Tunisia | ECA |
Organisation Nationale De L'enfance Tunisienne | Tunisia | ECA |
Organisation Tunisienne De Jeunes Medecins Sans Frontieres | Tunisia | ECA |
Union Nationale De La Femme | Tunisia | ECA |
Church Of Uganda, Women's Desk | Uganda | ECA |
Disabled Women Network And Resource Organization In Uganda | Uganda | ECA |
Forum For Women In Democracy | Uganda | ECA |
Isis-Women's International Cross-Cultural Exchange (Isis Wicce) | Uganda | ECA |
Law And Advocacy For Women In Uganda | Uganda | ECA |
National Association Of Women's Organization In Uganda (Nawou) | Uganda | ECA |
National Union Of Disabled Persons Of Uganda | Uganda | ECA |
Uganda Association Of Women Laywers | Uganda | ECA |
Medical Women's
Asso Ciation Of Zambia |
Zambia | ECA |
Non-Governmental Organizations Coordinating Committee | Zambia | ECA |
Zambia Alliance Of Womem (Zaw) | Zambia | ECA |
Zambia Association For Research And Development | Zambia | ECA |
Association Of Women's Clubs | Zimbabwe | ECA |
Southern African Research And Documentation Centre | Zimbabwe | ECA |
Women And Law In Southern Africa | Zimbabwe | ECA |
Women In Law And Development In Africa | Zimbabwe | ECA |
Women's Action Group | Zimbabwe | ECA |
Albanian Family Planning Association | Albania | ECE |
Women's Jurist Association, Women's Advocacy Center) | Albania | ECE |
Association Of Women With University Education | Armenia | ECE |
European Federation For The Welfare Of The Elderly | Austria | ECE |
Frauen Solidaritat | Austria | ECE |
International Helsinki Federation For Human Rights | Austria | ECE |
Katholische Frauenbewegung Osterreichs | Austria | ECE |
Vienna Institute For Development And Cooperation | Austria | ECE |
Wind Of The South (Südwind-Agentur) | Austria | ECE |
Women Against Violence Europe | Austria | ECE |
Care International | Belgium | ECE |
Comité Directeur International Sur La Promotion Economique Des Femmes Rurales | Belgium | ECE |
Commission Feminine Internationale Du Mouvement Europeen | Belgium | ECE |
Conseil Des Femmes Francophones De Belgique | Belgium | ECE |
Education International | Belgium | ECE |
European Disability Forum | Belgium | ECE |
European Women's Lobby (Ewl) | Belgium | ECE |
European Youth Forum | Belgium | ECE |
Federation Europeenne Des Femmes Actives Au | Belgium | ECE |
Femmes Prevoyantes Socialististes | Belgium | ECE |
International Association Of Charities | Belgium | ECE |
International Confederation Of Free Trade Unions (Icftu) | Belgium | ECE |
International Cooperation For Development And Solidarity | Belgium | ECE |
International Planned Parenthood Federation (Europe Region) | Belgium | ECE |
Nederlandstalige Vrouwenraad (Dutch-Speaking Council Of Women Of Belgium) | Belgium | ECE |
Network Women In Development Europe | Belgium | ECE |
Payoke, V.Z.W. | Belgium | ECE |
Solidarite Des Mamans Manianga En Sigle Soliman | Belgium | ECE |
Vrouw En Maatschappij | Belgium | ECE |
Vrouwen Overleg Komitee | Belgium | ECE |
World Confederation Of Labour (Wcl) | Belgium | ECE |
World Movement Of Mothers (Mouvement Mondial De Meres) | Belgium | ECE |
Bulgarian Association Of Women In Legal Profession | Bulgaria | ECE |
Gender Project For Bulgaria Foundation | Bulgaria | ECE |
Women's Alliance For Development | Bulgaria | ECE |
Turkish Cypriot Association Of University Women | Cyprus | ECE |
Tolerance And Civil Society, Citizens Assembly | Czech Republic | ECE |
Danish Women's Society | Denmark | ECE |
General Workers Union In Denmark | Denmark | ECE |
International Abolitionist Federation | Denmark | ECE |
K.U.L.U. - Women And Development | Denmark | ECE |
Kvinderaadet, Womens Council In Denmark | Denmark | ECE |
National Organisation Of Women's Crisis Centers | Denmark | ECE |
The Danish Council Of Organizations Of Disabled People | Denmark | ECE |
Union Of Commercial And Clerical Employees In Demark | Denmark | ECE |
Women Workers Union In Denmark | Denmark | ECE |
Finnish Volunteer Service Center For Development Cooperation (Fvs) | Finland | ECE |
Leftwing Women (Finland) | Finland | ECE |
Unioni - The League Of Finnish Feminists | Finland | ECE |
Women's League Of The Coalition Party, The | Finland | ECE |
Centre National D'information Et De Documentation Des Femmes Et Des Familles (Cnidff) | France | ECE |
Collectif Feministe Ruptures | France | ECE |
Comite International De Liaison Des Asociations Feminines (International Liaison Committee Of Women's Associations) | France | ECE |
Coordination Francaise Pour Le Lobby Europe En Des Femmes (C.L.E.F.) | France | ECE |
Council Of European Municipalities And Regions - Committee Of Women Elected Representatives Of Local And Regional Authorities | France | ECE |
European Council Of Wizo Federations | France | ECE |
Federation Internationale Des Femmes De Carrieres Juridiques | France | ECE |
Femme Avenir | France | ECE |
International Council Of Women | France | ECE |
International Federation For Home Economics | France | ECE |
International Federation Of Agricultural Producers (Ifap) | France | ECE |
International Federation Of Human Rights Leagues | France | ECE |
International Union Of Architects | France | ECE |
L'association Europeanne Contre Les Violences Faites Aux Femmes Au Travail | France | ECE |
Mouvement Francais Pour Le Planning Familial | France | ECE |
Prochoix | France | ECE |
Public Services International | France | ECE |
Sos-Sexisme | France | ECE |
Union Internationale Des Avocats - International Union Of Lawyers | France | ECE |
Women's Human Rights International Association | France | ECE |
Women's International Democratic Federation | France | ECE |
World Movement Of Mothers | France | ECE |
World Union Of Catholic Women's Organizations | France | ECE |
The Georgian Association "Women In Business" | Georgia | ECE |
Deutscher Naturschutzring - Dnr | Germany | ECE |
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung | Germany | ECE |
Kok-Federal Association Against Traffic In Women And Violence Against Women In The Migration Process | Germany | ECE |
Medical Women's International Association | Germany | ECE |
National Council Of German Women's Organizations - Federal Union Of Women's Organizations And Women's Group Of German Associations, E.V | Germany | ECE |
Institute Of Inter-Balkan Relations | Greece | ECE |
Mediterranean Women's Studies Institute Kegme | Greece | ECE |
Soroptimist International Of Greece | Greece | ECE |
European Network Of Women | Ireland | ECE |
Irish Association Of Non-Governmental Development Organizations Limited, The | Ireland | ECE |
Irish Country Women's Association | Ireland | ECE |
Women In Media And Entertainment (Wime) | Ireland | ECE |
Women In The Home | Ireland | ECE |
Women Of The Northwest Limited | Ireland | ECE |
Women's Aid | Ireland | ECE |
Al Manhal Cultural Centre For Woman And Child | Israel | ECE |
Arab Women's Forum | Israel | ECE |
Ecopeace Middle East Environmental Ngo Forum | Israel | ECE |
Gaza Community Mental Health Programme | Israel | ECE |
Israel Women's Network | Israel | ECE |
Nisan Young Women Leader | Israel | ECE |
Palestinian Working Women Society | Israel | ECE |
Women's International Zionist Organization (Wizo) | Israel | ECE |
Arcidonna | Italy | ECE |
Associazione Delle Donne Democratiche-Iraniane Residente In Italia | Italy | ECE |
Associazone I Nostri Diritti | Italy | ECE |
Caritas Internationalis (International Confederation Of Catholic Charities) | Italy | ECE |
Centro Antiviolenza | Italy | ECE |
Centro Di Cooperazione Familiare | Italy | ECE |
Centro Di Ricerca E Documentazione Febbraio 74 | Italy | ECE |
Cisl | Italy | ECE |
Confederazione Generale Italiana Del Lavoro - General Italian Confederation Of Labour | Italy | ECE |
Coordination Immigrés Du Sud Du Monde/C.I.S.M.-Vénétie | Italy | ECE |
Il Cenacolo | Italy | ECE |
Inter Press Service International Association | Italy | ECE |
International Mediterranean Women's Forum | Italy | ECE |
International Voluntary Organization For The Development And Education Of Underprivileged Young People And Women | Italy | ECE |
Italian Association For Women In Development | Italy | ECE |
Movimiento Italiano Casalinghe | Italy | ECE |
Nosotras | Italy | ECE |
Society For International Development | Italy | ECE |
Teresian Association | Italy | ECE |
Eltern Kind Forum | Liechtenstein | ECE |
Jurate Seduikiene | Lithuania | ECE |
Lithuanian Housewives Association | Lithuania | ECE |
Lithuanian Social Demoratic Women Union (Lsdwu) | Lithuania | ECE |
Union Of Women's Organizations Of Macedonia | Macedonia | ECE |
Women's Organization Of Moldova "Civic Initiative" | Moldova | ECE |
Confederation Of Vocational Unions | Norway | ECE |
Fokus - Forum For Women And Development | Norway | ECE |
Hoyres Kvinnenettverk | Norway | ECE |
International Association Of Women In Radio And Television | Norway | ECE |
Network North Against Prostitution And Violence | Norway | ECE |
Norsk Helse - Og Sosialforbund | Norway | ECE |
Norsk Kommuneforbund | Norway | ECE |
Norwegian Afghanistan Committee/Afghanistankomiteen I Norge | Norway | ECE |
Norwegian People's Aid | Norway | ECE |
Norwegian Union Of Teachers | Norway | ECE |
The Secretariat Of The Shelter Movement In Norway C/O The Centre For Gender Equality | Norway | ECE |
Federation For Women And Family Planning | Poland | ECE |
Women's Association For Gender Equality - Beijing 1995 | Poland | ECE |
Associacao De Mulheres Contra A Violencia | Portugal | ECE |
Family Planning Movement The - "Vrancea" | Romania | ECE |
National Association Of University Women Of Romania, The | Romania | ECE |
National Women's Union Of Romania | Romania | ECE |
Romanian Independent Society Of Human Rights | Romania | ECE |
Association Of Women Journalists , Russia | Russian Federation | ECE |
Consortium Of Womens Nongovernmental Associations | Russian Federation | ECE |
Conversion And Women | Russian Federation | ECE |
Federation Of Independent Trade Unions Of Russia (Fnpr) | Russian Federation | ECE |
General Confederation Of Trade Unions (Gctu) | Russian Federation | ECE |
Information Center Of The Independent Women's Forum (Iciwf) | Russian Federation | ECE |
Regional Non-Governmental Organization "Petersburg Center For Gender Issues" | Russian Federation | ECE |
Aliancia Zien Slovenska | Slovakia | ECE |
Prospecta | Slovakia | ECE |
Amias Del Hogar La Amistaos | Spain | ECE |
Arnasatu | Spain | ECE |
Arte Y Cultura Para La Mujer | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Mujeres Juristas | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion Clara Campoamor | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Antigues Alumnas De Las Madres Islandesas De Sevilla | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Apoyo Al Lobby Europeo De Mujeres | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Empresarias De Madrid | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Familias Y Mujeres Del Medio Rural | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Mujeres "La Ladera" | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Mujeres De La A.Cervan | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Mujeres Progresistas "Victoria Kent" | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion De Mujeres Y Familias Del Ambito Rural | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion Mujeres Jovenes | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion Mujeres Progresistas "Maria Pineda" | Spain | ECE |
Asociacion Para La Coperacion Con El Sur-Las Segovias | Spain | ECE |
Associacid Dones No Estandards | Spain | ECE |
Associacio Catalana De Llevadores | Spain | ECE |
Comision De Asociaciones Para El Seguimiento Del Plan De Igualdad De Oportunidades De Las Mujeres ) | Spain | ECE |
Comision Para La Investigacion De Malos Tratos A Mujeres | Spain | ECE |
Consejo De Las Mujeres De Barcelona | Spain | ECE |
Consell Comarcal De Dones Del Pla C'urgell | Spain | ECE |
Consell De La Dona | Spain | ECE |
Dones Per Europa | Spain | ECE |
Emakunde/Instituto Vasco De La Mujer | Spain | ECE |
Federacio De Dones Del Baix Camp | Spain | ECE |
Federacion De Asociaciones De Defensa Y Promocion De Los Derechos Humanos | Spain | ECE |
Federacion De Consumidores Y Amas De Hogar De Espana | Spain | ECE |
Federacion Espanola De Asociaciones Pro Vida | Spain | ECE |
Federacion Mujeres Progresistas | Spain | ECE |
Femvision | Spain | ECE |
Forum De Politica Feminista | Spain | ECE |
Fundacio Popular Iberoamericana | Spain | ECE |
Fundacion Mujeres | Spain | ECE |
Grup Dones Torredembarra | Spain | ECE |
Hontanar Association | Spain | ECE |
Instituto Andaluz De La Mujer | Spain | ECE |
Instituto Asturiano De La Mujer | Spain | ECE |
Joventut Nacionalista De Catalunya | Spain | ECE |
Movimiento Por La Daz, Ei Desarme Yla Libertad | Spain | ECE |
National Federation Of Women For Democracy | Spain | ECE |
National Women's Council Of Catalonia - Consell Nacional De Dones De Catalunya | Spain | ECE |
Red Europea De Mujeres Periodistas | Spain | ECE |
Secretana Confedert De La Mujer De Comifiones Obrers | Spain | ECE |
Secretaria De La Dona De Esquerra Republicana De Catalunya | Spain | ECE |
Seminario Interdisciplinar De Estudios Sobre La Mujer | Spain | ECE |
Spanish Committee For Unicef | Spain | ECE |
Unio De Dones Duno Democratica De Catalunya | Spain | ECE |
Union General De Trabajadores | Spain | ECE |
Central Committee For Women's Rights Movements In Gothenberg/Sweden | Sweden | ECE |
Children Of A Better Time | Sweden | ECE |
Council Of Nordic Trade Unions | Sweden | ECE |
Foundation Of Women's Forum | Sweden | ECE |
National Federation Of International Organization For Immigrant Women-Sweden | Sweden | ECE |
National Organisation For Freedom Of Choice, Equality And Parenthood | Sweden | ECE |
Riksforbundet For Sexuell Upplysning (Rfsu) | Sweden | ECE |
Social Democratic Women In Sweden | Sweden | ECE |
Swedish Association Of Local Authorities | Sweden | ECE |
Swedish National Association Home And Society (Housewives Association Home And Society) | Sweden | ECE |
Swedish Organization Of Disabled Persons International Aid Association | Sweden | ECE |
Swedish Unifem Committee | Sweden | ECE |
51³Ô¹Ï Association Of Sweden | Sweden | ECE |
World Blind Union | Sweden | ECE |
World Federation Of 51³Ô¹Ï Associations | Sweden | ECE |
Association For The Advancement Of Psychological Understanding Of Human Nature | Switzerland | ECE |
Consell Suisse Des Activites De Jeunesse | Switzerland | ECE |
International Commission Of Jurists | Switzerland | ECE |
International Cooperative Alliance | Switzerland | ECE |
International Council Of Nurses | Switzerland | ECE |
International Federation Of University Women | Switzerland | ECE |
International Federation Terre Des Hommes | Switzerland | ECE |
International Peace Bureau | Switzerland | ECE |
International Youth And Student Movement For The 51³Ô¹Ï | Switzerland | ECE |
Lutheran World Federation | Switzerland | ECE |
Nord-Sud Xxi - North-South Xxi | Switzerland | ECE |
Women's International League For Peace And Freedom | Switzerland | ECE |
Women's World Summit Foundation (Wwsf) | Switzerland | ECE |
World Alliance Of Reformed Churches | Switzerland | ECE |
World Alliance Of Young Men's Christian Associations | Switzerland | ECE |
World Organization Against Torture | Switzerland | ECE |
World Young Women's Christian Association | Switzerland | ECE |
Africa Legal Aid | The Netherlands | ECE |
Democratic Iranian Women Association | The Netherlands | ECE |
Dutch Platform For Women And Health | The Netherlands | ECE |
E-Quality Experts On Gender And Ethinicity | The Netherlands | ECE |
European Network Of Unemployed | The Netherlands | ECE |
Federation Of Refugee Organization In The Netherlands | The Netherlands | ECE |
International Confederation Of Midwives | The Netherlands | ECE |
International Fellowship Of Reconciliation (Ifor) | The Netherlands | ECE |
International Union Of Local Authorities | The Netherlands | ECE |
Landelijke Organisatie Van Surinaamse Vrouwen | The Netherlands | ECE |
Medusa (Dutch National Service And Development Office Concerning Prevention Of Sexual Violence) | The Netherlands | ECE |
Metis - Dutch Office For Women's Health Care | The Netherlands | ECE |
National Committee For Development Education | The Netherlands | ECE |
Netherlands Association Of Women Graduates | The Netherlands | ECE |
Netherlands Council Of Women | The Netherlands | ECE |
Netherlands Organization For Women's Interests, Women's Labour And Equal Representation | The Netherlands | ECE |
Samenwerkingsverband Mensen Zonder Betalld Werk | The Netherlands | ECE |
Tiye International | The Netherlands | ECE |
Vrouwen Alliantie | The Netherlands | ECE |
Vrouwen Uud | The Netherlands | ECE |
Theologie (Workgroep) (Working Group Womanism Theology) |
The Netherlands | ECE |
International Studies Eu Rope (Wise) |
The Netherlands | ECE |
World Population Foundation | The Netherlands | ECE |
Anakultur | Turkey | ECE |
Ankara University Women's Research And Implementation Centre | Turkey | ECE |
Association For The Support And Training Of Woman Candidates | Turkey | ECE |
Family Planning Association Of Turkey | Turkey | ECE |
Flying Broom/Ucan Supurge | Turkey | ECE |
Marmara Group Strategic & Research Foundation Human Rights Platform-Woman Rights | Turkey | ECE |
Mor Cati Foundation For Women's Shelter | Turkey | ECE |
Soroptimist Union Of Turkey, Istanbul Club | Turkey | ECE |
Women For Women's Human Rights-New Ways | Turkey | ECE |
Women's Scientific And Cultural Society | Turkey | ECE |
Women's Solidarity Foundation | Turkey | ECE |
International Federation Of Business Women "Lybid" | Ukraine | ECE |
International Renaiisance Foundation | Ukraine | ECE |
Woman Health And Family Planning | Ukraine | ECE |
Abantu For Development (People For Development) | United Kingdom | ECE |
Actionaid / Action Aid | United Kingdom | ECE |
African Families Foundation, The | United Kingdom | ECE |
Akina Mana Wa Afrika | United Kingdom | ECE |
Amnesty International (International Secretariat) | United Kingdom | ECE |
Black Women Promotions | United Kingdom | ECE |
British Association Of Women Entrepreneurs (Bawe) | United Kingdom | ECE |
Catholic Institute For International Relations | United Kingdom | ECE |
Centre For Research And Education On Gender | United Kingdom | ECE |
Change | United Kingdom | ECE |
Commonwealth Medical Association | United Kingdom | ECE |
Empowering Widows In Development | United Kingdom | ECE |
Helpage International | United Kingdom | ECE |
Human Rights Centre, University Of Essex | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Alert | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Council Of Jewish Women | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Federation Of Business And Professional Women | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Planned Parenthood Federation | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Police Association | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Psychoanalytical Association | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Save The Children Alliance | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Wages For Housework Campaign | United Kingdom | ECE |
International Women Count Network | United Kingdom | ECE |
Liberation | United Kingdom | ECE |
Local Government International Bureau | United Kingdom | ECE |
Medical Mission Sisters (Society Of Catholic Medical Missionaries, Generalate, Inc.) | United Kingdom | ECE |
National Alliance Of Women's Organizations | United Kingdom | ECE |
National Board Of Catholic Women | United Kingdom | ECE |
National Council Of Women Of Great Britain | United Kingdom | ECE |
Network Of Ecumenical Women In Scotland (Action Of Churches Together In Scotland) | United Kingdom | ECE |
Northern Ireland Women's European Platform | United Kingdom | ECE |
Oxfam (United Kingdom And Ireland) | United Kingdom | ECE |
Rights And Humanity | United Kingdom | ECE |
Socialist International Women | United Kingdom | ECE |
Soroptimist International | United Kingdom | ECE |
U.K. Asian Women's Conference | United Kingdom | ECE |
51³Ô¹Ï Environment And Development, United Kingdom Committee - Uned | United Kingdom | ECE |
Wales Assembly Of Women | United Kingdom | ECE |
Winvisible - Women With Visible And Invisible Disability | United Kingdom | ECE |
Womankind Worldwide | United Kingdom | ECE |
Women Against Rape (War) | United Kingdom | ECE |
Women In Dialogue | United Kingdom | ECE |
Women's National Commission | United Kingdom | ECE |
World Association Of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts | United Kingdom | ECE |
Aliona, Center Against Discrimination Against Women | Argentina | ECLAC |
Asociacion Argentina De Cultura | Argentina | ECLAC |
Asociacion Civil Mujeres En Accion | Argentina | ECLAC |
Asociacion De Especialistas Universitarioca En Estudios De La Mujer | Argentina | ECLAC |
Asociacion De Mujeres De Negocios Y Professionales Buenos Aires | Argentina | ECLAC |
Asociacion Diagonal | Argentina | ECLAC |
Catolicas Por El Derecho A Decidir--Latin America | Argentina | ECLAC |
Centro De Intercambio Sub-Regional Del Cono Sur "Alahua"Ciscsa | Argentina | ECLAC |
Foro De Mujeres Del Mercosur | Argentina | ECLAC |
Fundacion Mujer, Paz Y Desarrollo | Argentina | ECLAC |
Fundacion Mujeres En Igualdad | Argentina | ECLAC |
Fundacion Para Estudio E Investigacion De La Mujer (Feim) | Argentina | ECLAC |
Instituto Social Y Politico De La Mujer | Argentina | ECLAC |
Integracion Joven | Argentina | ECLAC |
Karakachoff Foundation-Commission For The Advancement Of Women (Fundacion Sergio Karakachoff) | Argentina | ECLAC |
Manos Creativas | Argentina | ECLAC |
Mutual Association For The Xxith Century | Argentina | ECLAC |
Servicio A La Accion Popular | Argentina | ECLAC |
Development Alternatives With Women For A New Era (Dawn) | Barbados | ECLAC |
Catolicas Por El Derecho A Decidir-Bolivia | Bolivia | ECLAC |
Coordinadora De La Mujer | Bolivia | ECLAC |
Plataforma De La Mujer | Bolivia | ECLAC |
Agende Acoes Em Genero Cidadania E Desenvolviment (Agende Actions On Gender Citizenship And Development) | Brazil | ECLAC |
Association For Organizations For Social And Educational Assistance | Brazil | ECLAC |
Catolicas Por El Derecho A Decidir--Brasil | Brazil | ECLAC |
Centro Feminista De Estudos E Assessoria | Brazil | ECLAC |
Coletivo Feminista Sexualidade E Saude | Brazil | ECLAC |
Comunicacao Educacao E Informacao Em Genero | Brazil | ECLAC |
Confederacao Das Mulheres Do Brasil (Brazilian Women Confederation) | Brazil | ECLAC |
Grupo De Trabalho E Pesovisa Em Orientacao Sexual | Brazil | ECLAC |
Instituto Brasileiro De Analises Sociais E Economicas - Ibase | Brazil | ECLAC |
Instituto De Acao Cultural0 | Brazil | ECLAC |
Rede De Desenvolvimento Humano | Brazil | ECLAC |
Facultad Latinoamericana De Ciencias Sociales-Chile | Chile | ECLAC |
Federacion Nacional De Mujeres De Negocios Y Profesionales De Chile | Chile | ECLAC |
Fempress (Latin American Institute For Transnational Studies) | Chile | ECLAC |
Instituto De La Mujer | Chile | ECLAC |
Isis International | Chile | ECLAC |
Latin American And Caribbean Women's Health Network (Lacwhn) | Chile | ECLAC |
Movimiento Pro Emancipacion De La Mujer Chilena (Memch) | Chile | ECLAC |
Red De Salud De Las Mujeres Latinoamericanas Y Del Caribe | Chile | ECLAC |
Colombian Commission Of Jurists | Colombia | ECLAC |
Fundacion Dialogo Mujer | Colombia | ECLAC |
Colective Feminista Pancha Carrasco | Costa Rica | ECLAC |
Inter-American Institute Of Human Rights | Costa Rica | ECLAC |
Red De Mujeres Afrocaribenas Y Afrolatinoamericanas | Costa Rica | ECLAC |
Federation Of Cuban Women | Cuba | ECLAC |
Centro De Investigacion Para La Accion Femenina | Dominican Republic | ECLAC |
Colective Mujer Y Salud | Dominican Republic | ECLAC |
Nucleo De Apoyo A La Mujer | Dominican Republic | ECLAC |
Agencia Latinoamericana De Information (Alai) | Ecuador | ECLAC |
Centro De Estudios E Investigaciones De La Mujer Ecuatoriana | Ecuador | ECLAC |
Confedracion De Nacionalidades Indigenas Del Ecuador | Ecuador | ECLAC |
Coordinadora Politica De Mujeres Ecuatorianas | Ecuador | ECLAC |
Corporacion Mujer A Mujer | Ecuador | ECLAC |
Instituto De Estudios De La Mujer " Norma Virgina Cigorl" | El Salvador | ECLAC |
Mujeres Por La Dignidad Y La Vida | El Salvador | ECLAC |
Agrupacion De Mujeres Tierra Viva | Guatemala | ECLAC |
Asociacion Pro-Bienestar De La Familia De Guatemala | Guatemala | ECLAC |
Fundacion Guatemala | Guatemala | ECLAC |
Grupo Femenino Pro Mejoramiento Familiar | Guatemala | ECLAC |
Guyana Association Of Women Lawyers | Guyana | ECLAC |
Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association, The | Guyana | ECLAC |
Red Thread Women's Devlopment Project | Guyana | ECLAC |
Women's Federation For World Peace International | Guyana | ECLAC |
Women's Progressive Organization | Guyana | ECLAC |
Solidarite Fanm Ayisyen | Haiti | ECLAC |
Colectivo Feminista Mujeres Universitarias | Houduras | ECLAC |
Association Of Women's Organizations In Jamaica | Jamaica | ECLAC |
Word Of Life Ministries International-Word Of Life Christian Fellowship | Jamaica | ECLAC |
Alternativas De Capacitacion Y Dasarrollo Comunitario A.C. | Mexico | ECLAC |
Catolicas Por El Derecho A Decidir/Mexico | Mexico | ECLAC |
Centro De Atencion A La Mujer Trabajadora A.C. | Mexico | ECLAC |
El Closet De Sor Juana | Mexico | ECLAC |
Emas, A.C. (Equipo Mujeres En Accion Solidaria) | Mexico | ECLAC |
Grupo De Informacion En Reproduccion Elegida | Mexico | ECLAC |
Peniche, Ramiorez Y Duarte, Asesores En Organizacion Y Educacion Integral, S.C.P. | Mexico | ECLAC |
Red De Jovenes Por Los Derechos Sexuales Y Reproductivos, A.C. | Mexico | ECLAC |
Salud Integral Para La Mujer A.C. | Mexico | ECLAC |
University Program Of Gender Studies | Mexico | ECLAC |
Fundashon Sentro Di Dama | Netherlands Antilles | ECLAC |
Amica | Nicaragua | ECLAC |
Fundacion Wangki Luhpia (Hiljos-Hijas Del Rio Coco) | Nicaragua | ECLAC |
Servicios Integraces Para La Mujer | Nicaragua | ECLAC |
Universidad De Las Regiones Autonomas De La Costa Caribe Nicaraguense | Nicaragua | ECLAC |
Center For Popular Legal Assistance | Panama | ECLAC |
Coordinadora Nacional De Mujeres Indigenas De Panama | Panama | ECLAC |
Centro De Asesoria Laboral Del Peru S.R.L. (Cedal) | Peru | ECLAC |
Centro De Estudios Sociales Y Publicaciones (Cesip) | Peru | ECLAC |
Centro De La Mujer Peruana Flora Tristan | Peru | ECLAC |
Chirapaq, Centro De Cultural Indias | Peru | ECLAC |
Institute Laboral Para Desarrollo Regional (Ilder) | Peru | ECLAC |
Latin American Committee For The Defence Of Women's Rights | Peru | ECLAC |
Movimiento Manuela Ramos | Peru | ECLAC |
National Coordinator For Human Rights | Peru | ECLAC |
Red Nacional De Promocion De La Mujer - Peru | Peru | ECLAC |
Taller Permanente De Mujeres Indigenas Andinas Y Amazonicas Del Peru | Peru | ECLAC |
Feministas En Marcha (Fem) | Puerto Rico | ECLAC |
Marangopoulos Foundation For Human Rights | Suriname | ECLAC |
Stichting Projekta For Women And Development Services | Suriname | ECLAC |
Caribbean Association For Feminist Research And Action | Trinidad And Tobago | ECLAC |
Network Of Non-Governmental Organizations Of Trinidad And Tobago For The Advancement Of Women | Trinidad And Tobago | ECLAC |
Commonwealth Women Net Work |
Trinidad And Tobago | ECLAC |
Centro Interdisciplinario De Estudios Sobre El Desarrollo, Uruguay | Uruguay | ECLAC |
Instituto Del Tercer Mundo | Uruguay | ECLAC |
International Council For Adult Education | Uruguay | ECLAC |
Red De Educacion Popular Entre Mujeres De America Latina Y El Caribe | Uruguay | ECLAC |
Red Mujer Salud En Uruguay | Uruguay | ECLAC |
Centro De Investigacion Social, Formacion Y Estudios De La Mujer | Venezuela | ECLAC |
Teenage Mother Civil Association | Venezuela | ECLAC |
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Commission | Australia | ESCAP |
Australian Catholic Social Justice Council | Australia | ESCAP |
Australian Family Association | Australia | ESCAP |
Australian Federation Of Business And Professional Women | Australia | ESCAP |
Australian Feminist Law Foundation Inc., The | Australia | ESCAP |
Australian National Committee On Refugee Women | Australia | ESCAP |
Coalition Of Activist Lesbians - Australia | Australia | ESCAP |
Coalition Of Australian Participating Organizations Of Women (Capow) | Australia | ESCAP |
Endeavour Forum | Australia | ESCAP |
Girl Guide Association Of Australia Incorporated | Australia | ESCAP |
International Alliance Of Women | Australia | ESCAP |
National Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islanders Legal Services Secretariat | Australia | ESCAP |
National Baha'i Office For The Advancement Of Women-Australia | Australia | ESCAP |
National Council Of Women Of Australia Inc. Ltd. | Australia | ESCAP |
Unifem Australia Inc. (51³Ô¹Ï Development Fund For Women) | Australia | ESCAP |
Women With Disabilities Australia | Australia | ESCAP |
Women's Electoral Lobby, Australia | Australia | ESCAP |
World Organisation Of The Ovulation Method Billings Inc. | Australia | ESCAP |
Azerbaijan Women And Development Center | Azerbaijan | ESCAP |
Ain O Salish Kendra - Law And Mediation Centre | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Association Of Development Agencies In Bangladesh | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Bangladesh Mahila Parishad | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Bangladesh National Women Lawyer Association | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Naripokkho | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Ngo Committee On Beijing Plus Five, Bangladesh | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Proshika Manobik Unnayan Kendra | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Rural Social Science Network | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Soroptimist International - Bangladesh | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Women For Women | Bangladesh | ESCAP |
Khemara | Cambodia | ESCAP |
Youth Resource Development Program | Cambodia | ESCAP |
All-China Women's Federation | China | ESCAP |
China Association Of Women Entrepreneurs | China | ESCAP |
China Society For Human Rights | China | ESCAP |
Hong Kong Federation Of Women | China | ESCAP |
Hong Kong Federation Of Women's Centres | China | ESCAP |
Maple Women's Psychological Counseling Center, The | China | ESCAP |
The Equal Opportunities Commission (Of Hong Kong) | China | ESCAP |
Women's Association Of Macau, The | China | ESCAP |
Women's Studies Institute Of China | China | ESCAP |
Fiji Women's Rights Movement | Fiji | ESCAP |
Once And Future Action Network-Pacific Region | Fiji | ESCAP |
Hong Kong Women's Foundation Limited | Hong Kong | ESCAP |
Ahmedabad Women's Action Group (Awag) | India | ESCAP |
All India Women's Conference | India | ESCAP |
All India Women's Education Fund Association | India | ESCAP |
Asian Centre For Organization Research And Development | India | ESCAP |
Asian Women's Human Rights Council | India | ESCAP |
Asian-South Pacific Bureau Of Adult Education | India | ESCAP |
Asmita Resource Centre For Women | India | ESCAP |
Center For Research And Rehabilitation Of Infants And Females | India | ESCAP |
Centre For Advocacy And Research | India | ESCAP |
Centre For Cultural, Educational, Economic And Social Studies-Nagpur | India | ESCAP |
Centre For Development Studies And Action | India | ESCAP |
Centre For Social Research | India | ESCAP |
Centre For The Study Of Administration Of Relief | India | ESCAP |
Centre For Women's Studies And Development | India | ESCAP |
Chetna (Centre For Health, Education, Training And Nutrition Awareness | India | ESCAP |
Coordination Unit - Bangalore (Fourth World Conference On Women, Beijing 1995) | India | ESCAP |
Coordination Unit-New Delhi (Fourth World Conference Of Women) | India | ESCAP |
Family Planning Association Of India | India | ESCAP |
Gihumusara Mahila Sangiathan | India | ESCAP |
Initiatives: Women In Development | India | ESCAP |
Institute For Development Of Youth, Women And Child | India | ESCAP |
Institute Of Social Studies Trust | India | ESCAP |
Joint Women's Programme-Christian Institute For The Study Of Religion And Society | India | ESCAP |
Mahila Dakshata Samiti | India | ESCAP |
N.M. Sadguru Water And Development Foundation | India | ESCAP |
Phoenix Organisation For Woman And Child | India | ESCAP |
Rural Institute Of Medical Sciences | India | ESCAP |
Sanchetana | India | ESCAP |
Stree Aadhar Kendra (Women's Development Center) | India | ESCAP |
Stree Atyachar Virodhi Parishad | India | ESCAP |
Stree Mukti Sanghatana | India | ESCAP |
Swablamban Shiksha Kendra | India | ESCAP |
Talking About Reproductive And Sexual Health | India | ESCAP |
The Avinashilingam Education Trust | India | ESCAP |
The British Council | India | ESCAP |
Un Developmentdevelopment Of Human Action Foundation | India | ESCAP |
Women Politics And Developing Nations/International Political Science Association Research Committee | India | ESCAP |
Women's Solidarity For Justice (Wsfj) | India | ESCAP |
Women's Voice | India | ESCAP |
Kongres Wanita Indonesia | Indonesia | ESCAP |
Koperasi Serba Usaha Annisa | Indonesia | ESCAP |
Kowani - The Indonesian Women's Congress | Indonesia | ESCAP |
Melati Institute Of Management For The Advancement Of Women | Indonesia | ESCAP |
Islamic Women's Institute Of Iran (Iwii) | Iran | ESCAP |
Network Of Women's Non-Governmental Organizations In The Islamic Republic Of Iran | Iran | ESCAP |
Women's Solidarity Association Of Iran | Iran | ESCAP |
Zoroastrian Women's Organization Religious Minority | Iran | ESCAP |
Agora | Japan | ESCAP |
Asia Crime Prevention Foundation | Japan | ESCAP |
Asia-Japan Women's Resource Center | Japan | ESCAP |
Asian Women's Association (Japan) | Japan | ESCAP |
Asian Women's Conference Network | Japan | ESCAP |
Fukuoka International Ms. Association | Japan | ESCAP |
Fukuoka Women's Center, Amikas | Japan | ESCAP |
Global Legislators Organization For A Balanced Environment (Globe International) | Japan | ESCAP |
International Movement Against All Forms Of Discrimination And Racism - Imadr | Japan | ESCAP |
International Women's Year Liaison Group (Iwylc) | Japan | ESCAP |
Japan Accountability Caucus Beijing | Japan | ESCAP |
Japan Federation Of Bar Associationscentr | Japan | ESCAP |
Japan Society For Gender Studies | Japan | ESCAP |
Japanese Association Of International Women's Rights | Japan | ESCAP |
Japanese Nursing Association | Japan | ESCAP |
Japanese Organization For International Cooperation In Family Planning, Inc. | Japan | ESCAP |
Japan's Network For Women And Health | Japan | ESCAP |
Kitakyushu Forum On Asian Women | Japan | ESCAP |
People's Forum 2001 Japan | Japan | ESCAP |
Society For The Study Of Working Women | Japan | ESCAP |
Women's Studies Society Of Japan | Japan | ESCAP |
Working Women's International Network | Japan | ESCAP |
World Conference On Religion And Peace (Japanese Committee) | Japan | ESCAP |
World Conference On Women Network In Kansai | Japan | ESCAP |
Yokohama Women's Association For Communication And Networking (Ywacn) | Japan | ESCAP |
Feminist League | Kazakhstan | ESCAP |
Youth Information Service Of Kazastan | Kazakhstan | ESCAP |
Center For Women & Public Policy | Korea | ESCAP |
Korea Women's Associations United | Korea | ESCAP |
Korean Federation Of Business And Professional Women | Korea | ESCAP |
Korean National Council Of Women(Kncw) | Korea | ESCAP |
Korean Nurses Association | Korea | ESCAP |
Korean Women's Development Institute | Korea | ESCAP |
Won Buddhism Women's Association | Korea | ESCAP |
Asian-Pacific Resource And Research Centre For Women (Arrow) | Malaysia | ESCAP |
Federation Of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia | Malaysia | ESCAP |
International Council On Management Of Population Programmes | Malaysia | ESCAP |
International Women's Rights Action Watch | Malaysia | ESCAP |
National Council Of Women's Organizations (Ncwo) | Malaysia | ESCAP |
Women And Media Network For Asia Pacific (Wmnap)/Gender And Development Programme | Malaysia | ESCAP |
Women's Aid Organization, Malaysia | Malaysia | ESCAP |
Women's Candidacy Initiative | Malaysia | ESCAP |
Asian Buddhists Conference For Peace | Mongolia | ESCAP |
Mongolian Women's Federation | Mongolia | ESCAP |
National Cedaw Watch Network Center | Mongolia | ESCAP |
Women For Social Progress Movement | Mongolia | ESCAP |
Beyond Beijing Committee | Nepal | ESCAP |
Feminist Dalit Organisation | Nepal | ESCAP |
Forum For Women, Law And Development | Nepal | ESCAP |
International Institute For Human Rights, Environment And Development (Inhured International) | Nepal | ESCAP |
Manushi (For Sustainable Development) | Nepal | ESCAP |
National Network Against Girls' Trafficking | Nepal | ESCAP |
Nepal Institute Of Mass Communication | Nepal | ESCAP |
Saathi | Nepal | ESCAP |
Sancharika Samuma, Nepal (Women Communicators Forum) | Nepal | ESCAP |
Service For Unprivileged Section Of Society (Suss) | Nepal | ESCAP |
Sewa-Nepal | Nepal | ESCAP |
Women Development Self-Employment Training Centre | Nepal | ESCAP |
Women's Forum | Nepal | ESCAP |
Women's International League For Peace And Freedom-Nepal | Nepal | ESCAP |
World Federalist National Asssociation Of Nepal | Nepal | ESCAP |
Association Of Presbyterian Women Of Aoteaora, New Zealand | New Zealand | ESCAP |
Women Heart Of The Pacific | New Zealand | ESCAP |
All Pakistan Women's Association | Pakistan | ESCAP |
Asr Resource Center-Applied Socie Economic Research | Pakistan | ESCAP |
Behbud Association Of Pakistan | Pakistan | ESCAP |
David M. Kennedy Center For International Studies | Pakistan | ESCAP |
Mountain Women Development Organizations (Hunza) | Pakistan | ESCAP |
Revolutionary Association Of The Women Of Afghanistan | Pakistan | ESCAP |
Shirkat Gah - Women's Resource Centre | Pakistan | ESCAP |
Struggle For Change | Pakistan | ESCAP |
Angeles City Women Coordinating Council | Philippines | ESCAP |
Asean Confederation Of Women's Organizations (Acwo) | Philippines | ESCAP |
Asia Indigenous Women's Network | Philippines | ESCAP |
Buhay Foundation For Wom En And The Girl Child | Philippines | ESCAP |
Can't Live In The Closet | Philippines | ESCAP |
Center For Asia-Pacific Women In Politics | Philippines | ESCAP |
Federation Of New Filipina | Philippines | ESCAP |
General Assembly Binding Women For Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership And Action (Gabriela) | Philippines | ESCAP |
Ing Makababaying Aksyon Foundation | Philippines | ESCAP |
Institute For Social Studies And Action | Philippines | ESCAP |
Isis International-Manila | Philippines | ESCAP |
League Of Filiopino Comfort Women | Philippines | ESCAP |
National Council Of Women Of The Philippines | Philippines | ESCAP |
Pilipine-Kilusan Ng Kababaihang Pilipino (Movement Of Filipino Women) | Philippines | ESCAP |
Sentro Ng Manggagawang Pilpina | Philippines | ESCAP |
Third World Movement Against The Exploitation Of Women | Philippines | ESCAP |
Ugnayan Ng Kababaihan Sa Politika (Philippines) | Philippines | ESCAP |
Womanhealth Philippines, Inc. | Philippines | ESCAP |
Women Involved In Nation Building | Philippines | ESCAP |
Women's Federation For World Peace-Philippines | Philippines | ESCAP |
Women's Health Care Foundation, Inc. | Philippines | ESCAP |
Women's Media Circle Foundation, Inc. | Philippines | ESCAP |
Women's Rights Movement Of The Philippines | Philippines | ESCAP |
Association Of Women For Action And Research (Aware) | Singapore | ESCAP |
Singapore Council Of Women's Organizations | Singapore | ESCAP |
Agromart Foundation | Sri Lanka | ESCAP |
Centre For Women's Research (Cenwor) | Sri Lanka | ESCAP |
Ruk Rakaganno (The Tree Society) Women's Environmental Centre | Sri Lanka | ESCAP |
Sri Lanka Women's Ngo Forum | Sri Lanka | ESCAP |
Suriya Women's Development Centre | Sri Lanka | ESCAP |
Women And Media Collective, The | Sri Lanka | ESCAP |
Women's Educational And Research Center | Sri Lanka | ESCAP |
Asia Pacific Forum On Women, Law & Development | Thailand | ESCAP |
Catholic Commission On Migration (Women's Desk) | Thailand | ESCAP |
Federation Of Business And Professional Women Associations Of Thailand Under The Royal Patronage Of Her Majesty The Queen | Thailand | ESCAP |
Foundation For Women | Thailand | ESCAP |
Global Alliance Against Traffic In Women | Thailand | ESCAP |
National Council Of Women Of Thailand (Under The Royal Patronage For Her Majesty The Queen) | Thailand | ESCAP |
Thai Women Watch | Thailand | ESCAP |
World Fellowship Of Buddhists | Thailand | ESCAP |
Crisis Center "Sabr" | Uzbekistan | ESCAP |
Alliance For Arab Women | Egypt | ESCWA |
Arab Lawyers Union (Alu) | Egypt | ESCWA |
Association For The Advancement Of Education | Egypt | ESCWA |
Comprehensive Care Association | Egypt | ESCWA |
Egyptian Red Crescent Society | Egypt | ESCWA |
El Nadim Center For The Management And Rehabilitation Of Victims Of Violence | Egypt | ESCWA |
Legal Research And Resource Center For Human Rights | Egypt | ESCWA |
Light And Hope Association For Blind Girls | Egypt | ESCWA |
General Arab Women Federation | Iraq | ESCWA |
General Federation Of Jordanian Women | Jordan | ESCWA |
General Union Of Palestinian Women (Gupw) | Jordan | ESCWA |
Association Of Social Workers | Kuwait | ESCWA |
International Islamic Charitable Organization | Kuwait | ESCWA |
The Kuwaiti Graduates Society | Kuwait | ESCWA |
Union Of Kuwaiti Women Associations, The | Kuwait | ESCWA |
Women's Cultural Social Society | Kuwait | ESCWA |
Beirut Bar Association | Lebanon | ESCWA |
Women's Court; The Permanent Arab Court To Resist Violence Against Women | Lebanon | ESCWA |
Palestine Avenir Foundation | Palestine | ESCWA |
Muslim World League | Saudi Arabia | ESCWA |
Women Research Center At Sanaa University | Yemen | ESCWA |
Yemen Family Association | Yemen | ESCWA |
Action Canada For Population And Development | Canada | N. America |
Apc Fundraising And Project Development | Canada | N. America |
Assembly Of First Nations/National Indian Brotherhood | Canada | N. America |
Association Feminine D'education Et D'action Social | Canada | N. America |
Association For Progressive Communications | Canada | N. America |
Association Quebecoise Des Organismes De Cooperation Internationale-Comite Quebecois Femmes Et Developpement | Canada | N. America |
Baha'i Community Of Canada, The | Canada | N. America |
Campaign Life Coalition | Canada | N. America |
Canadian Beijing Facilitating Committee | Canada | N. America |
Canadian Federation Of University Women | Canada | N. America |
Canadian Feminist Alliance For International Action | Canada | N. America |
Canadian Labour Congress | Canada | N. America |
Canadian Research Institute For The Advancement Of Women | Canada | N. America |
Canadian Voice Of Women For Peace | Canada | N. America |
Canadian Women's Foundation | Canada | N. America |
Centre De Documentation Sur L'education Des Adultes Et La Condition Feminine | Canada | N. America |
Congress Of Black Women Of Canada, The | Canada | N. America |
Egale (Equality For Gays And Lesbians Everywhere) | Canada | N. America |
Era Ecological Rights Association | Canada | N. America |
Feceration Des Femmes Du Quebec | Canada | N. America |
Fiiq | Canada | N. America |
Grand Council Of The Crees - Eenou Istchee | Canada | N. America |
Human Rights Internet | Canada | N. America |
Immigrant Women Of Saskatchewan Inc. | Canada | N. America |
Institute For The Study Of Women/Mount Saint Vincent University | Canada | N. America |
International Centre For Human Rights And Democratic Development | Canada | N. America |
International Working Group On Women And Sport | Canada | N. America |
Jamaican Self-Help Organization | Canada | N. America |
Jmj Children's Fund Of Canada Inc. | Canada | N. America |
Life Ethics Educational Association | Canada | N. America |
Lifeline (Aid To Women) | Canada | N. America |
Match International Centre | Canada | N. America |
Network Of Women Parliamentarians Of The Americas | Canada | N. America |
Planned Parenthood Federation Of Canada | Canada | N. America |
Reseau Des Chercheuses Africaines De La Diaspora | Canada | N. America |
Sisterhood Is Global Institute | Canada | N. America |
Un Platform For Action Committee (Manitoba) | Canada | N. America |
Union Internationale Des Travailleuses Unis De L'alimentation Et Du Commerce | Canada | N. America |
51³Ô¹Ï Association In Canada (Una-Canada) | Canada | N. America |
Women's Economic Network | Canada | N. America |
Women's Health In Women's Hands:A Community Health Centre For Women | Canada | N. America |
World Association Of Community Radio Broadcasters | Canada | N. America |
World Federation Of Ukrainian Women's Organizations | Canada | N. America |
3ho Organization | U.S.A. | N. America |
Action Institute For Literacy And Human Resource Development-India | U.S.A. | N. America |
African Services Committee, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
African Women's Alliance | U.S.A. | N. America |
Alan Guttmacher Institute | U.S.A. | N. America |
Alternative Women In Development | U.S.A. | N. America |
Altrusa International Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Association Of Jurists | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Association Of Retired Persons (Aarp) | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Association Of University Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Council For Voluntary International Action (Interaction) | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Indian Law Alliance | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Jewish Congress | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Jewish World Service, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
American Life League | U.S.A. | N. America |
Anglican Consultative Council | U.S.A. | N. America |
Appalachian Women's Guild (Awg) | U.S.A. | N. America |
Armenian Relief Society, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Art Of Living Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
Association For Women In Mathematics | U.S.A. | N. America |
Association For Women In Science | U.S.A. | N. America |
Association Of Arab-American University Graduates | U.S.A. | N. America |
Association Of The Bar Of The City Of New York, The | U.S.A. | N. America |
Avsc International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Baha'i International Community | U.S.A. | N. America |
Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Sanstha | U.S.A. | N. America |
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University | U.S.A. | N. America |
California Women Lawyers | U.S.A. | N. America |
Catholics For A Free Choice | U.S.A. | N. America |
Center For Development Of International Law | U.S.A. | N. America |
Center For Ethical Leadership | U.S.A. | N. America |
Center For Policy Alternatives | U.S.A. | N. America |
Center For Reproductive Law And Policy, The | U.S.A. | N. America |
Center For Russian, Central And East European Studies | U.S.A. | N. America |
Center For The Global South | U.S.A. | N. America |
Center Of Concern, The | U.S.A. | N. America |
Centre For Development & Population Activities | U.S.A. | N. America |
Centre For Women's Global Leadership | U.S.A. | N. America |
Chinese Immigrants Services, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints | U.S.A. | N. America |
Church Women United | U.S.A. | N. America |
Church World Service And Witness | U.S.A. | N. America |
Coalition Against Trafficking In Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
Communication For Change, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Communications Consortium Media Center | U.S.A. | N. America |
Concerned Women For America | U.S.A. | N. America |
Congregation Of Our Lady Of Charity Of The Good Shepherd | U.S.A. | N. America |
Congregations Of St. Joseph | U.S.A. | N. America |
Coordinating Board Of Jewish Organizations | U.S.A. | N. America |
Creative Associates International, Inc. (Caii) | U.S.A. | N. America |
Dante B. Fascell North-South Center | U.S.A. | N. America |
Dialogue On Diversity, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Disabled People's International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Eagle Forum | U.S.A. | N. America |
Equality Now | U.S.A. | N. America |
Family Action Council International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Family Care International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Family Health International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Family Violence Prevention Fund | U.S.A. | N. America |
Federally Employed Women, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Federation Of National Representation Of The Experiment In International Living | U.S.A. | N. America |
Feminist Majority Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
Ford Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
Foundation For The Support Of The 51³Ô¹Ï | U.S.A. | N. America |
Franciscans International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center For Health And Human Rights | U.S.A. | N. America |
General Board Of Global Ministries, United Methodist Church | U.S.A. | N. America |
Girls' International Forum For Tomorrow | U.S.A. | N. America |
Global Alliance For Women's Health | U.S.A. | N. America |
Global Education Associates | U.S.A. | N. America |
Global Fund For Women, The | U.S.A. | N. America |
Global Helping To Advance Women & Children | U.S.A. | N. America |
Global Volunteers | U.S.A. | N. America |
Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council Of North And South America | U.S.A. | N. America |
Hadassah,The Women's Zionist Organization Of America, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Haitian American Women Advocacy Network, Inc. (Hawanet) | U.S.A. | N. America |
Harlem Women's Committee/New Future Foundation Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Heinrich Boell Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
Human Lactation Center, Ltd. The | U.S.A. | N. America |
Human Rights Advocates | U.S.A. | N. America |
Human Rights Watch | U.S.A. | N. America |
Hunger Project, The | U.S.A. | N. America |
Institute For Women, Law And Development | U.S.A. | N. America |
Institute For Women's Policy Research | U.S.A. | N. America |
Institute Of International Education, Inc. - Iie | U.S.A. | N. America |
Inter-American Parliamentary Group On Population And Development | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Association Of Educators For World Peace | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Black Women For Wages For Housework | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Center For Research On Women (Icrw) | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Coalition On Women And Credit | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Cross-Cultural Black Women's Studies Institute | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Federation For Family Development | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Federation Of Settlements & Neighbourhood Centres | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Federation Of Women Lawyers | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Food Policy Research Institute | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Gay And Lesbian Human Rights Commission | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Health Awareness Network | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Human Rights Law Group | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Indian Treaty Council | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Lactation Consultants Association | U.S.A. | N. America |
International League For Human Rights | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Movement Atd Fourth World | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Political Science Association (Ipsa) | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Rescue Committee, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Research Foundation For Development | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Self-Reliance Agency For Women, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Studies Association | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Wages Due Lesbians | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Women Judges Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Women's Anthropology Conference | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Women's Democracy Center (Iwdc) | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Women's Health Coalition | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Women's Rights Action Watch (Global) | U.S.A. | N. America |
International Women's Tribune Centre | U.S.A. | N. America |
Ipas | U.S.A. | N. America |
Islamic Heritage Society | U.S.A. | N. America |
Jewish Council For Public Affairs | U.S.A. | N. America |
Johns Hopkins University Center For Communication Programs | U.S.A. | N. America |
Korean American Coalition On Jungshindae, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
La Leche League International, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Laubach Literacy International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Lawyers' Committee For Civil Rights Under Law | U.S.A. | N. America |
Lawyers Without Borders | U.S.A. | N. America |
League Of Women Voters Of The United States | U.S.A. | N. America |
Loretto Community | U.S.A. | N. America |
Los Ninos | U.S.A. | N. America |
Madre, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Margaret Sanger, Center International Planned Parenthood Of New York | U.S.A. | N. America |
Maryknoll Fathers And Brothers | U.S.A. | N. America |
Maryknoll Sisters Of St. Dominic, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Microcredit Summit Campaign, Project Of Results Educational Fund | U.S.A. | N. America |
Mills College (Women's Leadership Institute) | U.S.A. | N. America |
Minnesota Advocates For Human Rights | U.S.A. | N. America |
Mother And Child African Relief Organization | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Association Of Women Lawyers | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Audubon Society | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Coalition Of 100 Black Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Committee Of Women For Democratic Iran | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Conference Of Puerto Ricanwomen, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Council For Research On Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Council Of Jewish Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Council Of Negro Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Lawyers Guild | U.S.A. | N. America |
National League Of Cities | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Network For Immigrant And Refugee Rights | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Organization For Women - Now | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Spiritual Assembly Of The Baha'is Of The United States | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Wildlife Federation | U.S.A. | N. America |
National Women's Conference | U.S.A. | N. America |
Network Of East-West Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
Network Of Sexwork Projects | U.S.A. | N. America |
New Humanity | U.S.A. | N. America |
North America Taiwanese Women's Association | U.S.A. | N. America |
Northwest Women's Institute | U.S.A. | N. America |
Open Society Institute | U.S.A. | N. America |
Pan Pacific And South East Asia Women's Association | U.S.A. | N. America |
Park Ridge Center | U.S.A. | N. America |
Parliamentarians For Global Action | U.S.A. | N. America |
Partners Of The Americas | U.S.A. | N. America |
Pathfinder International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Pennsylvania Peace Links | U.S.A. | N. America |
People's Decade For Human Rights Education | U.S.A. | N. America |
Physicians For Social Responsibility | U.S.A. | N. America |
Plan International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Population Action International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Population Reference Bureau, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Presbyterian Church 51³Ô¹Ï Office | U.S.A. | N. America |
Public Leadership Education Network | U.S.A. | N. America |
Refugee Women's Network, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
Refugees International - Ri | U.S.A. | N. America |
Rehabilitation International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Religion Counts | U.S.A. | N. America |
Religious Consultation On Population, Reproductive Health And Ethics | U.S.A. | N. America |
Research Action & Information Network For Bodily Integrity Of Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
Sacrament O Women's Network Of The Csus Multi-Cultural Center | U.S.A. | N. America |
Sahaja Yoga International | U.S.A. | N. America |
School Sisters Of Notre Dame | U.S.A. | N. America |
Sisters Of Mercy Of The Americas | U.S.A. | N. America |
Sisters Of St. Joseph Of Peace | U.S.A. | N. America |
Sociologists For Women In Society | U.S.A. | N. America |
Soka Gakkai International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Soroptimist International Of The Americas | U.S.A. | N. America |
St. Joan's International Alliance | U.S.A. | N. America |
Sun Fountain Productions, Inc. | U.S.A. | N. America |
The Asia Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
The Howard Center For Family, Religon & Society | U.S.A. | N. America |
The John D. And Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
The National Institute Of Womanhood | U.S.A. | N. America |
Transnational Radical Party | U.S.A. | N. America |
U.S. Women Connect | U.S.A. | N. America |
51³Ô¹Ï Association Of San Diego | U.S.A. | N. America |
51³Ô¹Ï Association Of The Usa | U.S.A. | N. America |
United States Committee For Unifem | U.S.A. | N. America |
University Of Missouri - Women's Council | U.S.A. | N. America |
Wellesley Centers For Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
Western Consortium For Public Health (Aka Pacific Institute For Women's Health) | U.S.A. | N. America |
Woman's National Democratic Club-Educational Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women For International Peace And Arbitration | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women In International Security (Wiis) | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women Of Color Resource Center | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women Of Reform Judaism, The Federation Of Temple Sisterhoods | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women Of Vision | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Affairs Committee Of U.S.-Shanghai Association For Economic And Technological Exchange | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Caucus, International Aids Society (Nys State Psychiatric Institute/Hiv Center For Clinic & Behav Stud | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Commission For Refugee Women And Children | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Commission Research And Education Fund (National Association Of Commissions For Women) | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Environment And Development Organization - Wedo | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Federation For World Peace, International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Institute For Leadership Development | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Intercultural Network | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's International Coalition For Economic Justice | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Law And Public Policy Fellowship Program | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Leadership Project | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Sports Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's Studies Center | U.S.A. | N. America |
Women's World Banking | U.S.A. | N. America |
World Conference On Religion And Peace | U.S.A. | N. America |
World Federalist Association | U.S.A. | N. America |
World Federation For Mental Health | U.S.A. | N. America |
World Hunger Year | U.S.A. | N. America |
World Information Transfer | U.S.A. | N. America |
World Space Foundation | U.S.A. | N. America |
World Vision International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Worldwide Organization For Women | U.S.A. | N. America |
Youth Advocate Program International | U.S.A. | N. America |
Zonta International | U.S.A. | N. America |