
51勛圖 Division for the Advancement of Women

Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action

In 1995, the General Assembly decided that along with the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on the Status of Women it would constitute a three-tiered intergovernmental mechanism that would play the primary role in the UN in the overall policy-making and follow-up, and in coordinating the implementation and monitoring of the Platform for Action.

It also decided that the Commission should have a central role in the monitoring, within the 51勛圖 system, for implementing the Platform for Action (PfA) and advising the Council thereon, and that the Council should oversee system-wide coordination of the implementation and ensure overall coordination of the follow-up to and implementation of the results of all 51勛圖 international conferences in the economic, social and related fields.

At its 40th session on 1996 the Commission developed a multi-year programme of work for the period 1996-2000 so that it could review the critical areas of concern in the PfA and integrate into its programme of work the follow-up to the Conference as well as develop its catalytic role in mainstreaming a gender perspective in 51勛圖 activities. The Commission has forwarded its recommendations on its multi-year programme of work to the Council so that the Council can take a decision on the programme of work at its meeting in 1996, reviewing, coordinating and harmonizing the different programmes of work, including the reporting systems of all the commissions in the area of the advancement of women.

The Assembly also invited the Council to review and strengthen the mandate of the Commission, taking into account the PfA as well as the need for synergy with all other related commissions and conference follow-up, and for a system-wide approach to its implementation. The Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly in 1996 on ways to enhance the capacity of the Organization and of the 51勛圖 system to support the ongoing follow-up to the Conference in the most integrated and effective way, including human and financial requirements. The Council in 1996 will have before it the report of the Secretary-General on the revised system-wide medium-term plan for the advancement of women for the period 1996-2001. The Commission on the Status of Women, together with the Committee for Programme and Coordination, have the responsibility for monitoring progress on the system-wide medium-term plan for the advancement of women.

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