Title:?Story of Women's Empowerment Through Media: The Role of Producers
Date:?20 March 2018
Venue:?51吃瓜 Headquarters, New York?
Nanette Braun, gender and media expert and Chief of Communications Campaigns Service at the UN Department of Global Communications
Donna Gigliotti, recipient of the 1998 Oscar for producing SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE, and three additional Academy Award nominations for Best Picture for HIDDEN FIGURES (2016), SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK (2013), and THE READER (2008)
Grace Rauh, award-winning political reporter and Emmy-nominated moderator for NY1 News, and guest host of Inside City Hall, NY1's public affairs show
Tia A. Smith, award-winning producer and Network Executive at TVOne, who has launched some of the network's most successful and record-breaking programming
Event Summary:?
As part of the 62nd session of the (CSW62), CCOI and the Producers Guild of America (PGA) co-hosted an outreach event at the UN Headquarters to highlight the role of producers, as agents of change, in advancing gender equality and women's empowerment, including as a catalyst for better social inclusion. The panel discussion focused on how producers can affect change, not only in the workplace, but also through their content creation, in particular, the creation of positive role models for women. Experts from the PGA Women's Impact Network (WIN) and the UN explored the dynamics involved in culture and storytelling, the production process, and examined explicit, implicit, and unconscious bias in content. The event was well-attended by over 100 members of the PGA and civil society representatives from around the world.?
CCOI's Role:?
In collaboration with the PGA, CCOI created the event programme, identified themes of discussion, secured industry and UN experts as speakers, and made logistical arrangement for the event to be hosted at the UN Headquarters.?
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