Title: Envision Screening Series – Addressing Global Issues Through Documentaries
Date: May 2009 – June 2016
Venues: The Made in New York Media Center by IFP, UN Headquarters, Ziegfeld Theatre, Directors’ Guild of America, the Ford Foundation, the 92nd Street Y
Roger Ross Williams, Academy Award winning director
Ron Suskind, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author
Davis Guggenheim, Academy Award winning director
Malala Yousafzai, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and UN Messenger of Peace
Edward Norton, Academy Award nominated actor and UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity
Don Cheadle, Academy Award nominated actor and UN Environment Programme Goodwill Ambassador
Harry Belafonte, Grammy, Tony and Emmy award winning actor and singer; and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
George McGovern, Former United States Senator and World Food Programme Goodwill Ambassador
Jonathan Demme, Academy Award winning director
Event Summary:
“Envision” was the name of CCOI’s partnership with the New York-based Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP), the oldest and largest not-for-profit advocacy organization for independent filmmakers in the United States, which ran from 2009 to 2016. Envision was built on the shared belief that storytelling could be a powerful tool in promoting social change. Envision events featured screenings of documentary films that addressed priority issues on the UN’s agenda, followed by discussions with the film’s protagonists and creators, along with UN and civil society experts. Films screened included:
CCOI’s Role:
CCOI and the Independent Filmmaker Project collaborated on the selection of films, identification of speakers, development of the event programmes, identification of speakers and all other matters relating to the organization of the events.
Related UN Issues:
Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable Development Goals
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