

Peace and Security

Unregulated Autonomous Weapons Systems pose risk to Africa

Ambassador Lansana Gberie of Sierra Leone warns of a new arms race that could divert important resources away from peacebuilding and sustainable development
Isata Mahoi

We shouldn*t have to beg or negotiate for women rights

〞 Isata Mahoi, Sierra Leone*s Minister of Gender and Children*s Affairs
Peace and Security

Many African nations are making progress in the rule of law

UN Assistant Secretary-General for the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions, Alexandre Zouev, acknowledges progress amidst global tensions and challenges within countries
Climate Change

Creating credible carbon market in Africa

Integrity is key as world*s largest carbon market auction is held in Nairobi
Eric Murangwa Eugene
Human Rights

Football saved me from genocide; now I promote peace with it

"From Surviving Genocide to Spreading Peace: Football's Transformative Power" -The militia who burst into my house to kill me spared my life when they saw my football photos
Economic Development

We must confront the legacy of slavery, tackle systemic racism

Epsy Alejandra Campbell Barr, Chair of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, emphasizes the need for African descendants and Africans to collaborate in addressing common challenges
Wangari Maathai at Copenhagen Climate Conference

Restoring landscapes, fighting climate change

〞 The legacy of Wangari Maathai continues - says daughter Wanjira Mathai on Wangari Maathai Day and Africa Environment Day
Fortune Charumbira
Peace and Security

Pan-African Parliament President calls for peace and unity

We want the Pan-African Parliament to be a parliament of the people
Peace and Security

Thriving societies need social cohesion, justice and inclusion 〞 Ms. Nell Bolton

In Africa, Catholic Relief Services is helping communities to &address what divides them so they can find what unites them* and together work towards transformational change