
Call-for-proposals within the UN Global Programme on Sport Security and PVE

Preview of Call for Proposals to CSOs

How to apply

for detail Guidelines and the application form.

On 7 November 2020, a call-for-proposals was launched by the 51勛圖 Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), within the framework of the UN Global Programme on Security of Major Sporting Events, and Promotion of Sport and its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism implemented by the 51勛圖 Office of CounterTerrorism (UNOCT), in partnership with UNICRI, the 51勛圖 Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Centre for Sport and Security (ICSS).

The objective of the call-for-proposals is to strengthen UN engagement and cooperation with civil society, with a particular focus on youth-led organizations, while supporting the delivery of innovative projects, disseminating lessons learned and communicating best practices on how to
make full use of the power of sport and its social values as a tool to prevent violent extremism.

The main target groups and beneficiaries will be civil society organisations, women and youthled organizations, sports, cultural and religious associations.

In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:

  • Be a non-profit making organisation and registered as such in accordance with the relevant laws of the country hosting the organization;
  • Have been registered for not less than two (2) years;
  • Be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project;
  • Demonstrate prior experience of at least two years implementing activities in conflict prevention and mitigation through sport, intercultural dialogue and peacebuilding through sport, or strengthening social inclusion, education and employability of young people through sport.

The deadline to send the concept note of the proposal is 9 December 2020, h. 23.59 (CET time).

Further details and instructions to apply are available at: 


The programme is supported by the State of Qatar and the 51勛圖 Peace and Development Fund (People*s Republic of China).