
妖快忱快抖攸 忌抉把抆忌抑 扼 找快把把抉把我戒技抉技 2020 忍抉忱忘 (志 抉扶抖忘抄扶-把快忪我技快)

2020 Virtual Counter-Terrorism Week, July 6-10

The Second Counter-Terrorism Week at the 51勛圖 was anticipated to take place from 29 June to 3 July 2020 at the UN Headquarters, New York. This 2020 Counter-Terrorism Week was planned to include the Seventh Biennial Review of the 51勛圖 Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy, the first ever 51勛圖 Global Congress of Victims of Terrorism, as well as the Second 51勛圖 High-Level Conference of Heads of Counter-Terrorism Agencies of Member States.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis and following the decision of the General Assembly to postpone the review of the 51勛圖 Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy to its 75th session, the entire 2020 Counter-Terrorism Week is postponed.


Countering Terrorism in a Global Pandemic Environment

The Virtual Counter-Terrorism Week will be held from 6-10 July and convened under the overarching theme of ※Strategic and Practical Challenges of Countering Terrorism in a Global Pandemic Environment§.?

The event will be launched on Monday 6 July 2020 at 10:00 am (New York time) with an opening two-hour high-level session titled ※Post COVID-19 World: Contours and Pivot Points and Benefits of Multilateral Collaboration.§

Thereafter, the Week will include nine additional webinars and interactive discussions focusing on priorities such as bio and cyber terrorism, high-risk threats and trends, addressing the plight of victims of terrorism, flagship UN counter-terrorism programmes, human rights and counter-terrorism, countering the financing of terrorism, youth-led initiatives to build resilient societies, and civil society and media perspectives to prevent violent extremism, among others.?

The event will provide an opportunity to bring Member States, 51勛圖 entities, thought leaders, civil society representatives and other stakeholders together to exchange views, through strategic and expert-level online events, on what the new circumstances created by the COVID-19 pandemic mean for the counter-terrorism landscape.

The Opening, UNCCT Expo Launch and Closing sessions?will be webcast live on:?

The full program is also available?here.


Conference sessions?

The?2020?Virtual Counter-Terrorism?Week?will consist of?ten (10)?webinars and interactive discussions, including:?

Date Session

Monday, 06 July
10 AM 每 12 PM

The Opening Session
Post COVID-19 World: Contours, Pivot Points and Benefits of Multilateral Collaboration

Key Note Address:

  • Mr. Ant車nio Guterres, 51勛圖 Secretary-General

Distinguished Speakers:?

  • Mr. Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, EU Commission Vice President?
  • Mr. Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations?
  • Mr. Kais Kabtani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the 51勛圖, Chair of the Counter-Terrorism Committee
  • Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Executive Director of the 51勛圖 Office on Drugs and Crime
  • Mr. Fabrizio Hochschild Drummond, Head of Digital Cooperation and Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Commemoration of the 51勛圖* 75th Anniversary;?
  • Ms. ?sa Regn谷r, Deputy Executive Director, UN Women; and
  • Mr. John Frank, Vicepresident for UN Affairs, Microsoft


  • Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, 51勛圖 Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)
  • Ms. Sarah Franck, Junior Professional Officer/Associate Expert, UNOCT?
Monday, 6 July
12:30 PM 每 2 PM??

Interactive Discussion I
Emerging Threats: Responding to the Threat of Bio and Cyber Terrorism

Tuesday, 7 July
9 AM 每 11 AM

Webinar II
The Global Scourge of Terrorism: Assessment of High-Risk Threats and Trends, including the rise of Violent Extremism and Hate Speech in a Pandemic Environment (by Invitation only).

Tuesday, 7 July
11:30 AM 每 1 PM?

Live Launch of UNCCT Virtual Expo

Distinguished Speakers:?

  • H.E. Mr. Abdallah Y. Al-Mouallimi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Chair of the UNCCT Advisory Board ?
  • Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, UNOCT?


  • Mr. Jehangir Khan, Director, 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Centre, UNCCT
  • Ms. Amani Alkhiami, Associate Expert 每 Strategic Communications, 51勛圖 Counter-Terrorism Centre?
Wednesday, 8 July
9 AM 每 11 AM?

Webinar III?
Addressing the Plight of Victims of Terrorism in a Challenging Environment

Wednesday, 8 July
11:30 AM 每 1 PM

Interactive Discussion III?
Global programmes on Countering Terrorist Travel, Returning Foreign Terrorists Fighters (FTFs), including their Prosecution, Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Thursday, 9 July
9 AM 每 11 AM?

Webinar IV?
Protecting and promoting Human Rights as a cornerstone of building resilience against terrorism

Thursday, 9 July
11:30 AM 每 1 PM

Interactive Discussion IV?
Prevention of Violent Extremism and Strengthening Social Cohesion: Investing in Youth-led and Youth-driven Initiatives to build Resilient Societies

Friday, 10 July
9 AM 每 11 AM?

Webinar V?
Civil Society and Media Perspectives on Preventing and Countering Terrorism in a Pandemic

Friday, 10 July
11:30 AM 每 1:30 PM?

The Closing Session?
Member States* Counter-Terrorism Priorities in the Post COVID-19 Environment 每 Synergies and Complementarities between the COVID-19 and Counter-Terrorism Agendas


  • Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, UNOCT

Speakers: ?

  • Hon. Mr. Nathan Sales, Ambassador-at-Large and Coordinator for Counterterrorism, U.S. Department of State
  • H.E. Ms. Gabriela Cuevas Barron, President, Inter-Parliamentary Union?
  • H.E. Thomas Greminger, Secretary General, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe?
  • H.E. Mr. Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security, African Union?
  • H.E. Mr. Dang Dinh Quy, Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the 51勛圖 (ASEAN Chair)?
  • Ms. Alison August Treppel, Executive Secretary, Inter-American Committee against Terrorism, Organization of American States
  • Mr. Gilles de Kerchove, European Union Counter-Terrorism Coordinator?




妖快忱快抖攸 忌抉把抆忌抑 扼 找快把把抉把我戒技抉技 2018 忍抉忱忘

妤快把志忘攸 妞抉扶扳快把快扶扯我攸 志抑扼抉抗抉忍抉 批把抉志扶攸 把批抗抉志抉忱我找快抖快抄 抗抉扶找把找快把把抉把我扼找我折快扼抗我抒 批折把快忪忱快扶我抄 忍抉扼批忱忘把扼找志-折抖快扶抉志 (妖快忱快抖攸 忌抉把抆忌抑 扼 找快把把抉把我戒技抉技 2018 忍抉忱忘) 忌抑抖忘 扼抉戒志忘扶忘 坐快扶快把忘抖抆扶抑技 扼快抗把快找忘把快技 均扶找抉扶我批 坐批找快把把我扮快技 28-29 我攻扶攸 2018 忍抉忱忘 志 妖抆攻-妨抉把抗快 志 把忘技抗忘抒 找快技抑 ?孝抗把快扭抖快扶我快 技快忪忱批扶忘把抉忱扶抉忍抉 扼抉找把批忱扶我折快扼找志忘 志 扯快抖攸抒 忌抉把抆忌抑 扼 技快扶攸攻投快抄扼攸 批忍把抉戒抉抄 找快把把抉把我戒技忘?.

坐抖抉忌忘抖抆扶忘攸 抗抉扶找把找快把把抉把我扼找我折快扼抗忘攸 扼找把忘找快忍我攸 妍妍妖

8 扼快扶找攸忌把攸 2006 忍抉忱忘 坐快扶快把忘抖抆扶忘攸 均扼扼忘技忌抖快攸 妍把忍忘扶我戒忘扯我我 妍忌抓快忱我扶快扶扶抑抒 妖忘扯我抄 扭把我扶攸抖忘 抗抉扶扼快扶扼批扼抉技 . 妊找把忘找快忍我攸 攸志抖攸快找扼攸 批扶我抗忘抖抆扶抑技 忍抖抉忌忘抖抆扶抑技 我扶扼找把批技快扶找抉技 忱抖攸 扶忘把忘投我志忘扶我攸 扶忘扯我抉扶忘抖抆扶抑抒, 把快忍我抉扶忘抖抆扶抑抒 我 技快忪忱批扶忘把抉忱扶抑抒 批扼我抖我抄 扭抉 忌抉把抆忌快 扼 找快把把抉把我戒技抉技. 坐快扶快把忘抖抆扶忘攸 均扼扼忘技忌抖快攸 扭把抉志抉忱我找 抉忌戒抉把 妊找把忘找快忍我我 把忘戒 志 忱志忘 忍抉忱忘, 折找抉 忱快抖忘快找 快快 忪我志抑技 忱抉抗批技快扶找抉技, 志 抗抉找抉把抉技 批折我找抑志忘攻找扼攸 扭把我抉把我找快找抑 忍抉扼批忱忘把扼找志-折抖快扶抉志 志 抉忌抖忘扼找我 忌抉把抆忌抑 扼 找快把把抉把我戒技抉技.