


- Local

Consists of a 3-letter alphabetic code for the organization where the item is located (099 $a), a 3-letter alphabetic code for the specific Library collection where the item is located (099 $b) and a Call Number to specify its shelf location (099 $c).
Subfields 099 $a and $b are required fields.

See CODES for location codes used in 099 $a and $b.

For UN documents subfield 099 $c (Call Number) is only required when there is no document symbol (i.e. 191 $a = ***) or in case of a series where all numbers in the series are shelved together by call number instead of by document symbol.

UNOG Library records UN sales numbers in its call number field 099 $c since it shelves UN sales publications under the sales number.

When the Library does not have a print edition of an electronic resource, a PDF file or Word document in its collection, and the work is catalogued or indexed from an online source, Internet is recorded in call number field 099 $c.


099 $a UNG $b GUN
191 $a TD/B/COM.3/35
[UN Document shelved under document symbol: no Call No. required]

099 $a UNH $b DHU $cTD(05)/D4/No.153
191 $a [TD]/UNCTAD/OSG/DP/153
[Document in a monographic series: shelved in DHL UN/SA Collection by Call No.]

099 $a UNH $b DHU $c ITY(051)/J92/1996/v.1
099 $a UNG $b GUN $c ITY(051)/J92/1996/v.1
099 $a UNG $b GLP $c 343.3(4974) J923 v.1 LP
191 $a *** $b ITY/
[Unsymbolled UN publication shelved in DHL and UNOG UN/SA Collections, also in UNOG Legal and Political Reading Room]

099 $a UNH $b DHU $c UNU(02)/I59
099 $a UNG $b GUN $c 08.III.A.1
191 $a *** $b UNU/
[Unsymbolled UN sales publication shelved in DHL UN/SA Collection by Call No.; shelved in UNOG UN/SA Collection by UN sales no.]

099 $a UNG $b GUN $c Internet
191 $a [ST/]HR/PUB/06/10 $b ST/HR/
[Symbolled UN sales publication: UNOG does not have print edition, indexed PDF from online source]

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© 51³Ô¹Ï 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 25 January 2010