
World Population Ageing 2023: Challenges and opportunities of population ageing in the least developed countries

World Population Ageing 2023 examines the potential of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to benefit from a demographic dividend as they are transiting from higher to lower levels of fertility and mortality that yields a period of rapid population increase, and, eventually, an increasingly older population. Through an analysis of demographic, social, economic and health-related indicators, as well as associated policies and investments, the report assesses the challenges and opportunities of translating favourable demographic trends into economic and developmental gains. A comparative study of LDCs in the Asia-Pacific region and in Africa, with a focus on Angola, Bangladesh and Rwanda, provides insights into the challenges and opportunities that arise at various stages of the demographic transition. The report concludes with a summary of key findings and policy guidance to help countries maximize the potential benefits of the demographic dividend to support their efforts to prepare for population ageing.