Commission on Population and Development, twenty-ninth session (1996)
Reproductive rights and reproductive health
Bureau members
- Mr. Andr獺s Klinger (Hungary) - Eastern-European Group (Chair)
- Mr. R. L. Cliquet (Belgium) - Western European and Others Group (WEOG) (Vice-Chair)
- Ms. Elza Salvatori Berquo (Brazil) - Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) (Vice-Chair)
- Mr. S. B. A. Bullut (Kenya) - African Group (Vice-Chair)
- Ms. Cecile Joaquin-Yasay (Philippines) - Asia-Pacific Group (Vice-Chair)
Official documentation |
Agenda item 1 |
Election of officers |
Agenda item 2 |
Provisional agenda () |
Organization of the work of the session () |
Status of documentation for the session () |
Agenda item 3 |
No official documentation |
Agenda item 4 |
Concise Report on World Population Monitoring, 1996 () |
Monitoring of Population Programme () |
Report of the Inter-Agency Task Force () |
Activities of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in the area of reproductive rights and reproductive health () |
Flow of financial resources in international assistance for population () |
Follow-up actions to the recommendations of the International Conference on Population and Development: reproductive rights and reproductive health () |
Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-Chairman of the Commission on the basis of informal consultations held on draft resolution E/CN.9/1996/L.4 () |
Agenda item 5 |
Progress of work in the field of population in 1995 () |
Programme of work in population for the biennium 1996-1997 () |
Programme of work for the biennium 1996-1997 () |
Work programme in the field of population ( |
Agenda item 6 |
Note by the Secretariat containing the provisional agenda for the thirtieth session of the Commission () |
Agenda item 7 |