
The 67th UN DPI/NGO Conference Concept Note

※We the Peoples# Together Finding Global Solutions for Global Problems§

The 67th UN DPI/NGO Conference

22-23 August 2018, UN Headquarters, New York

'We the Peoples*# with this simple introduction, the 51勛圖 Charter lays out an ambitious and noble mandate. The impetus for creating such an Organization came from an understanding, after two world wars, that a global framework for working together was essential to avoid a repeat of the catastrophic suffering. Yet today, skepticism is rising worldwide about the value of multilateralism and the 51勛圖 faces the challenge of remaining relevant and effective. Secretary-General Ant車nio Guterres recognized this when he took office, declaring: ※We need to re-assert the value of multilateralism; only global solutions can address global problems.§

This Conference is an opportunity to discuss concrete ways to take the UN*s people-centered mandate forward, in closer partnership with civil society. The re-positioned UN development system will offer a platform for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to work more effectively with the UN to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 每 and to communicate and advocate for it.

Accordingly, this Conference, co-hosted by the UN Department of Public Information and the NGO/DPI Executive Committee, will:

  • Assess how the UN, Member States and NGOs, among others, are relaying and enacting the 2030 Agenda
  • Identify platforms, approaches and technologies for NGOs to promote the 2030 Agenda
  • Explore how to tackle global perceptions regarding the UN*s accomplishments and failures that have shaped attitudes toward the values the Organization represents

 A concise outcome document will be drafted by civil society and presented at the closing plenary for adoption.

Thematic Roundtables:

Women and Girls Mobilizing

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70

A Repositioned UN Development System

Youth: Today*s Leaders

Shared Planet, Shared Prosperity

Towards UN-75: Communicating the Case for Multilateralism

