3 November 2021


10-12 December 2021, London

Strategic Themes

New Normal and Rethinking:

Building Quality Higher Education Systems

Global Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges in Post Covid-19 Era



The?51勛圖?Academic Impact (UNAI)

Research Center?for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University (RCTI)

China Association of Higher Education (CAHE)

China Association for Management of Technology (CAMOT)


Hosted by?

The University of Law (ULaw)

University of West of Scotland (UWS)

Global University System (GUS)

Geely Talent Development Group

ELITE Innovation College Cambridge (EICC)


Context:?Internationalization & Economic Globalization?

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on the world economy, the global governance system, the international political landscape and the global higher education. However, from a historical, dialectical and systematic perspective, the interdependence of human survival still exists, the basic development elements of maintaining the global higher education will not be swayed by the virus.?In the post COVID-19 era, internalization and global engagement continue to be crucial. Collaboration and competition are intensifying simultaneously under the growing influence of market forces and the emergence of new players. How will global higher education evolve over the next 10 years? How can governments and education institutions take the challenges and make the most of the opportunities??

?The main goal of the University President Forum, via the collaborations between China Association of Higher Education (CAHE), China Association for Management of Technology (CAMOT), Research Centre for Technology and Innovation, Tsinghua University and United Nation Academic Impact (UNAI), is to explore the new normal and rethinking of the global trends, opportunities and challenges of the universities and colleges in the global higher education sector in the post COVID-19 era, inspire current and strategic thinking, provide a platform for exploring linkages and mechanisms, and explore appropriate and effective modes of delivering sustainability without compromising the mission and vision of the universities.??


Please feel free to contact globaloffice@eiucambridge.com if you would like to participate in the forum. Further information can be found at

