A series of academic publications titled "Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals- Regional Perspectives" is being produced. The series aims to support the acceleration needed for the implementation of the SDGs, by mobilizing the academic community, industry and the civil society by generating information and communicating on experiences focusing on the SDGs deemed as being most important for the world regions.
The project will thus have a specific regional scope, tackling the SDGs in a way that it takes the particularities of each region into account. Consistent with this strategy, the "Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals- Regional Perspectives" project consists of four high impact volumes:
- Volume 1- Implementing the SGDs in the Americas and Caribbean Region
- Volume 2- Implementing the SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region
- Volume 3- Implementing the SGDs in Africa and the Middle East Region
- Volume 4- Implementing the SDGs in the European Region
This approach means that regional chacteristics and needs are not only documented on the 4 volumes, achieving the editorial objectives of the publication, but may also guide policy-making and help to unlock investments, since they are tackling issues which deserve more attention in each region. Operationally, the project is demand-driven. This means that authors from across all subjects areas are invited to make suggestions for possible themes.
The books will be produced as part of the , the leading peer-reviewed book series on matters related to sustainable development. As peer-reviewed publications, the contributions to the books are acknowledged as high-quality academic outputs. Authors and teams of authors from across all subjects, and from all geographical regions, are invited to submit an expression of interest.
This consists of:
1. Name and contact e-mail of the author(s) 2. Geographical region (please see titles of the volumes, 1 to 4):
3. Title of the contribution:
4. SDG it relates to:
5. Summary of up to 300 words:
The expressions of interest should be sent to: SDG-Publications@haw-hamburg.de
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 September 2021 and for the submission of full papers is 10 December 2021.
The full volumes should be completed by summer 2022.
Further details will be shared with the authors whose expressions of interest have been accepted. If you have any questions about this project, please feel free to contact the editorial team at: