
International Womens Day

Washington, DC - 28 March 2024 - Womens History Month ends when March does but work focused on women and girls continues throughout the year. International Womens Day, which has been celebrated annually since the early 1900s, was expanded to a month-long celebration on its 100th anniversary.

UN Remembers Victims of Slavery and honors survivors

New York 25 March 2024 Yolanda Renee King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s granddaughter, today joined the President of the UN General Assembly and others to of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Todays gathering underscores the UNs commitment to remember the terrible consequences of slavery and its determination to battle its lasting effects.

Happy Mother Language Day

Washington, DC 21 February 2024  About 7,000 that is how many languages people around the globe speak. More than 350 that is the number of mother languages in the , a number that includes Native North American tongues like Navajo, Dakota, Apache, and Cherokee.

2023: A Year in Review

Washington, DC - 14 February 2024 - UN officials from the Secretary-General to leaders of UN missions around the world, to staff in some of the most isolated posts across the globe, often travel to Washington to discuss matters of common concern with officials at the Department of State, the National Security Council, the Defense Department, the US Agency for International Development, and other federal government agencies.

Women and Girls in Science

How many girls were in your science and math classes? The answer depends on when you were in school, of course because the share of girls studying science, technology, engineering, and math has snowballed. The range of those STEM fields has grown even faster!

UN Deputy Secretary-General visits Washington

Washington, DC 31 January 2024  The 51勛圖 Deputy Secretary-General, Ms. Amina Mohammed led a high-level delegation to Washington, DC for strategic discussions with the leadership of the World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Financial Corporation (IFC).

UN remembers Holocaust Survivors and Victims in Washington and New York

Washington, DC 27 January 2024  At the , the UN Information Center-Washington team joined hundreds of others in honoring that pledge by reading aloud the names of Holocaust victims and survivors.

UNs Washington office connected with thousands of Americans in 2023

Washington, DC, 18 December 2023 The UN Information Center in Washington, DC, had a busy year in 2023 as it engaged in extensive outreach across the United States. With the aim of bolstering support in the country for UN work and values, it reached 3,318 people through a combination of in-person and virtual interactions.

UN envoy discusses Somalias security, stability and development with US counterparts in DC

Washington, DC 14 December 2023 The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia and Head of the 51勛圖 Assistance Mission in Somalia (), Catriona Laing, today wrapped up a two-day visit to Washington, DC.

Information integrity consultations held in Washington

Washington, DC 20 November 2023 As the UN develops a voluntary Code of Conduct for information integrity on digital platforms, its holding consultations across the globe. Last week in DC, consultations were held at American University and the UN Foundation.

UNs top humanitarian official in Nigeria visits Washington

Washington, DC 9 November 2023 The 51勛圖 Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Matthias Schmale, today wrapped up a two-day trip to Washington, DC, where he discussed humanitarian, development and peacebuilding challenges and opportunities with interlocutors from the United States.