Released:?May 2011


Creator:?Franc Roddam


MasterChef Australia?is a competitive cooking game show, where they contestant across Australia compete in several challenges testing their food knowledge and preparation skills. The show filmed one of its third season challenges at the UN Headquarters. Then remaining seven amateur chefs catered a reception co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Australia to the UN and the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Each contestant prepared one dish and the entr¨¦es were judged by 300 guests attending the event. The episode aired July 2011 on Network Ten in Australia and drew around 1.8 million viewers.

CCOI¡¯s Role:???????

CCOI facilitated on-location filming at UN Headquarters in New York and coordinated the related legal and logistical arrangements.

UN Locations:

Visitors¡¯ Plaza, Secretariat Lobby, General Assembly Hall.

Related UN Issues:
