

This secured site centralizes e-services and other resources provided by the Secretariat to facilitate the workflow of UN Member Countries and their Delegates. Some to the application currently hosted on e-deleGATE are as follows:

UN Contact Directory  (Yellow and White pages)
e-Correspondence ( i.e correspondences sent by Correspondence Team to a mission to which the delegate who logs in belongs to, etc);
e-Sponsorship - sponsorship of draft resolutions;
e-Speakers - registration of speakers for plenary or committee meetings and general debate;
Committee places C1to C6 and subsidiary bodies used by the Committee Secretariat to share documents with Committee delegates 
e-List of participants - i.e. part of Iceland*s list of participants for the 72nd session
e-Subscription - to Unofficial documents
Paper Smart - electronic access to meeting programmes, agendas, docs, etc.
e-Meets - Resource Allocation System which provides on-line booking of conference rooms within the 51勛圖 Secretariat building

To request access, contact your Mission e-deleGATE access administrator, who will create an account with your current e-mail.
Note: un.int emails are not needed to access e-deleGATE, it can be any email account. 



Is the electronic Meetings Scheduling and Resource Allocation System which provides on-line booking of conference rooms within the 51勛圖 Secretariat building. The G-meets service is provided by DGACM and is available to Permanent and Observer Missions.  Request  or