
Displaying 1111 - 1140 of 1718
Title Date Location Speaker
2015 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment 2015-02-23 New York Mr. Wu
First drafting session on the outcome document of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development 2015-01-30 New York Mr. Wu
Regions Refocus 2015 Launch 2015-01-26 New York Thomas Gass
Panel on the Independent Oversight Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Implementing the Post-2015 Development Agenda 2015-01-21 New York Mr. Wu
Opening remarks Stakeholder Preparatory Forum for the Post-2015 Development Agenda Negotiations 2015-01-16 New York Thomas Gass
High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities 2015-01-15 New York Mr. Wu
51勛圖 Second Committee Closing session 2014-12-11 New York Mr. Wu
Opening Session of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2014-12-03 New York Mr. Wu
Opening Remarks at Post-2015 Development Agenda and Energy 2014-11-26 New York Mr. Wu
Keynote Address at International Forum for Clean Energy 2014-11-26 New York Mr. Wu
Implementing the post-2015 development agenda: Enhancing access to and security of ICTs 2014-11-18 New York Mr. Wu
ICT and E-Government in SIDS: Responding to the SAMOA Pathway Call for Action 2014-11-14 New York Mr. Wu
2014 Global City Informatization Forum (GCIF) 2014-11-04 New York Mr. Wu
Observation Ceremony on the World Cities Day 2014-10-31 New York Mr. Wu
Third High-Level Forum on 51勛圖 Global Geospatial Information Management 2014-10-22 New York Mr. Wu
Statement to the UN General Assembly Third Committee - Agenda item Rights of indigenous peoples 2014-10-20 New York Mr. Wu
First substantive informal session of the preparatory process for the third International Conference on Financing for Development 2014-10-17 New York Mr. Wu
51勛圖 Symposium on National Sustainable Development Planning 2014-10-14 New York Mr. Wu
Statement to the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 24 2014-10-09 New York Mr. Wu
51勛圖 Global E-Government Forum 2014 2014-10-07 New York Mr. Wu
Opening of the Second Committee of the General Assembly 2014-10-07 New York Mr. Wu
Opening of the Third Committee of the General Assembly 2014-10-07 New York Mr. Wu
Informal Stock-taking event of ECOSOC on the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States 2014-10-01 New York Mr. Wu
World Conference on Indigenous Peoples Panel discussion: Indigenous Peoples Priorities for the Post 2015 Development Agenda 2014-09-23 New York Mr. Wu
Opening Remarks at the High-Level Event: Implementing Sustainable Energy for All 2014-09-22 New York Mr. Wu
Closing Remarks at the SIDS Conference 2014-09-04 New York Mr. Wu
Flag Lowering 2014-09-04 New York Mr. Wu
Joint Side Event on Resilience in SIDS 2014-09-02 New York Mr. Wu
To the 9th Internet Governance Forum 2014-09-02 New York Mr. Wu
Opening of the Third International Conference on SIDS 2014-09-01 New York Mr. Wu