
UN Photo/Cia Pak.  A projection of the SDG logo in the General Assembly Hall

UN deputy chief calls for major arms spending cuts and urgent action to save SDGs

15 July 2024 - The UN Deputy Secretary-General on Monday urged global leaders to redirect resources from warfare to peace and sustainable development initiatives.

Image source: Canva

Expert report to urge government synergy in tackling climate and sustainable development crises

16 July 2024 - A new report by a UN-convened expert group will urge governments to break down siloes at national and international levels to address the climate and sustainable development crises and achieve transformative change. On 16 July, the 2024 report of the Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy - co-convened by UN DESA and UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) - will be presented to delegates at a special event of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in New York.  

Photo by Fas Khan on Unsplash

High-level Advisory Board set to discuss the Future We Want at Global Policy Dialogue during HLPF

12 July 2024 - Past the midpoint of our timeline to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), only 17 per cent...

Photo Credit: UN DESA/Predrag Vasic

UN projects world population to peak within this century

11 July 2024 - According to the published today, it is expected that the worlds population will peak in the mid-2080s...

Photo credit: UN DESA

Growing or shrinking what do the latest trends tell us about the global population?

10 July 2024 - Two years ago, our world marked the milestone of 8 billion people living on this planet...

UN Photo/Loey Felipe | UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed addresses the opening of the High-level Political Forum 2024.

UN deputy chief demands bold policies, innovative solutions for SDGs

8 July 2024 - Addressing the opening of the  (HLPF), Amina Mohammed called for transformative actions and bold policies to address pressing global challenges such as poverty, food insecurity and climate change.

穢 UNICEF/Srikanth Kolari | Girls study science at a school in India.

Time running short as 2030 deadline looms for UN blueprint for a fairer future

5 July 2024 - The 2024  () will follow on from last Septembers SDG Summit, described by UN Secretary-General at the time as a moment of unity to turn the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into reality.

A moment of choice and consequence for a better future

5 July 2024 - In a world facing political turmoil, economic slowdown, rising inequalities and a worsening environmental crisis, our promise to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 is at stake. 

13 must-attend special events at the 2024 HLPF

5 July 2024 - At this years, prepare to be inspired by a dynamic lineup of special events, curated by UN DESA and organized by key partners. 

Photo credit: Md. Hasanuzzaman Himel on Unsplash

Prices on a warming planet - the inflationary effects of climate change

3 July 2024 - Climate change is no longer a distant threat. Its adverse impacts on both human societies and natural ecosystems are already unfolding across the world. 

穢 UN Women/Christopher Herwig

3 things you need to know about SDG progress in 2024

2 July 2024 - The world is in great upheaval. The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024 finds that only 17 per cent of the SDG targets are on track. Lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, escalating conflicts and growing climate chaos have severely hindered progress.

Photo Credit: UN DESA/Predrag Vasic

With less than one fifth of targets on track, world is failing to deliver on promise of the Sustainable Development Goals, warns new UN report

28 June 2024 - With just six years remaining, current progress falls far short of what is required to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Unsplash/Chris Yang

Our goal is to make global SDG data accessible and understandable for everyone

25 June 2024 - Later this month, UN DESA will be releasing the latest data tracking progress of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Photo Credit: UN Photo

UN Public Service Awards recognize 15 initiatives accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals

21 June 2024 - Fifteen initiatives from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Indonesia, Jordan, Latvia, Portugal, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Tanzania and Thailand will be recognized,,,

Photo Credit: UNDP Nepal

UN General Assembly announces launch of the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives

20 June 2024 - The UN General Assembly yesterday declared 2025 as the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC2025) to be celebrated under the theme "Cooperatives Build a Better World."