President of the General Assembly


Refugees and Migrants - logistics note (13 September 2016) Refugees and Migrants - co-Chairs for the Round Tables (13 September 2016) Refugees and Migrants - Provisional lists of speakers for the plenary meetings to be held in the Trusteeship Conncil Chamber and Economic and Social Conncil Chamber (9 September 2016) Refugees and Migrants - Concept notes for the round tables (8 September 2016) Refugees and Migrants - List of NGOs & CSOs that have been objected to attend the high-level plenary meeting (2 September 2016) Refugees and Migrants - List of NGOs & CSOs approved to attend the high-level meeting (23 August 2016) Refugees and Migrants - draft Declaration, Annex I, Annex II (5 August 2016) Refugees and Migrants - decision to convene on 19 September 2016 (2 August 2016) Refugees and Migrants - Summary of hearings (22 July 2016) Refugees and Migrants - plenary meeting and six interactive multi-stakeholder round tables (21 July 2016) Refugees and Migrants - informal meetings (18 July 2016) Refugees and Migrants - redraft of the Global Compact on Refugees (15 July 2016) Refugees and Migrants - informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearing (14 July 2016) Refugees and Migrants - Rev.1 of the draft of outcome document (12 July 2016) Informal briefing on UN-IOM relations (12 July 2016) Refugees and Migrants - Informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearing (1 July 2016) Global Compact on Responsibility Sharing for Refugees (draft, 30 June 2016) Zero draft of the outcome document (27 June 2016) PGA’s letter to address large movements of refugees and migrants (22 June 2016) Briefing on Refugees and Migrants (17 June 2016) GA high-level meeting to address large movements of refugees and migrants (15 June 2016) Refugees and Migrants (13 June 2016) Refugees and Migrants (7 June 2016) Refugees and Migrants (31 May 2016) Modalities and organizational arrangements (draft, 27 May 2016) Refugees and Migrants (29 April 2016) Refugees and Migrants (21 April 2016) High-level meeting on refugees and migrants (13 April 2016) High-level meeting on refugees and migrants (1 April 2016) Refugees and Migrants (10 March 2016) Informal consultations on Refugees and Migrants HLM (9 February 2016)