Achieving the Internationally Agreed Development Goals - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
Book Description: This book gives an overview of the key debates that took place during the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) meetings on the theme of the High-Level Segment of 2005, “Achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, as well as implementing the outcomes of the major 51Թ conferences and summits: progress made, challenges and opportunities”. This publication also includes the Secretary-General's report as well as the President of ECOSOC's Summary on the theme of the ECOSOC High-Level Segment for 2005.
ISBN 92-1-104549-5
Sales No. E.05.II.A.13
Pages: 262
Binding: Paperback
Format: Print
Dimensions: 6x9
Type: Monograph
Ad Hoc Mechanisms
- Resolutions & Decisions
- Reports
- Publications
- Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council 2012
- Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- Partnering with the Philanthropic Community to promote Education For All
- Achieving Gender Equality, Women's Empowerment and Strengthening Development Cooperation
- Engaging Philanthropy to promote Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
- Achieving the Global Public Health Agenda - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- ECOSOC Special Event on Philanthropy and the Global Public Health Agenda
- Achieving Sustainable Development and Promoting Development Cooperation - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- Strengthening Efforts to Eradicate Poverty and Hunger - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- Full and Productive Employment and Decent Work- Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- The Economic and Social Council Ad Hoc Advisory Groups on African Countries Emerging from Conflict: The Silent Avant-Garde
- Achieving the Internationally Agreed Development Goals - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- Resources Mobilization and the Creation of an Enabling Environment for Poverty Eradication in the Least Developed Countries - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- An Integrated Approach to Rural Development - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- Human Development, Health and Education - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- Supporting Africa's Efforts to Achieve Sustainable Development - Dialogues at the Economic and Social Council
- Newsletters