Monday, 30 June: Morning session (Opening of the High-level Segment)
Monday, 30 June: Afternoon session
Tuesday, 1 July: Morning session
Tuesday, 1 July: Afternoon session
Wednesday, 2 July: Morning session
Wednesday, 2 July: Afternoon session
Thursday, 3 July: Morning Session
Thursday, 3 July: Afternoon Session
Monday, 30 June (back to top)
Morning session
Opening of the High-level Segment
Opening address
- Léo Mérorès, President of ECOSOC
- , Secretary-General, 51łÔąĎ (statement delivered by Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General)
Keynote addresses on the theme “achieving sustainable development” followed by Q&A
- Rajendra K Pachauri, Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- Lord Stern of Brentford, author of the Stern Review
High-Level Policy Dialogue with the international financial and trade institutions on current developments in the world economy (Trusteeship Council Chamber)
- , Under-Secretary-General, UNDESA
- Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General, UNCTAD
- Murilo Portugal, Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
- Justin Lin, Chief Economist, World Bank
- Valentine Rugwabiza, Deputy Director General, World Trade Organization
- Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Chairperson of the Committee for Development Policy
- Achim Steiner, Executive Director, UNEP
Afternoon session (back to top)Opening of the Development Cooperation Forum
- Leo Mérorès, President of ECOSOC (English, French)
- , Secretary-General, 51łÔąĎ (statement delivered by Thomas Stelzer, Assistant Secretary-General , UNDESA)
Introduction of the report of the Secretary-General
- , Assistant Secretary-General, UNDESA
Keynote Q&A
“A new vision for development cooperation in the 21 st century”
Development Cooperation Forum roundtables (parallel) (back to top)A. Identifying gaps and obstacles
“Allocating more aid: where should it go?”
- Sambou Wagué, Secretary-General, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Mali
- Paul Collier, Professor and Director, Oxford University
- Richard L. Greene, Deputy Director of Foreign Assistance, U.S. Department of State
B. Reviewing trends and progress
“South-South and triangular development cooperation: what can development actors learn?”
- Liu Guijin, Ambassador and Special Envoy on African Affairs, China
- Karen Zelaya, Minister of International Cooperation, Honduras
- Masato Watanabe, Deputy Director-General, International Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan
C. Reviewing trends and progress
“How are civil society and new actors enhancing impact at the country-level?”
- Kumi Naidoo, Chief Executive, CIVICUS
- Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
- Shona Grant, Managing Director, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Peter Msola, Minister of Science, Technology and ICT of Tanzania
Tuesday, 1 July (back to top)
Morning session
Keynotes Q&A
“The changing landscape and dynamics of international development cooperation”
- Trevor Manuel, Minister of Finance, South Africa and Special Envoy for the Doha Review Conference
- Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General, UNCTAD
Development Cooperation Forum roundtables
A. Identifying gaps and obstacles
“Are capacities ready for more aid at the country-level?”
- Gerard Niyibigira, President, Economic and Social Council of Burundi & former Minister of Finance
- John Rwangombwa, Secretary-General and Secretary to the Treasury, Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
- Ingrid Hoven, Director-General, Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
B. Exchanging lessons learned
“How can development aid support national development strategies?”
- Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, Minister of Economy and Finance, Niger
- Park Kang-ho, Director General for Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Republic of Korea
- Bernard Petit, Deputy-Director-General for Development, European Commission
Afternoon session (back to top)
Development Cooperation Forum
Special presentation
“Key policy messages and recommendations of the Rome Stakeholder Forum”
- Gerald Tremblay, Mayor of Montreal and Chair of Montreal Metropolitan Community, Canada
- Kumi Naidoo, Chief Executive, CIVICUS
Development Cooperation Forum roundtable
A. Identifying gaps and obstacles
“Aid effectiveness agenda: towards consensus at Accra and Doha”
- Trevor Manuel, Minister of Finance, South Africa and Special Envoy for the Doha Review Conference
- George Y. Gyan-Baffour, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, Ghana (via teleconference)
- Eckhard Deutscher, Chair, OECD/DAC
- Ramesh Singh, Chief Executive, Action Aid International
Closing of the Development Cooperation Forum
- Concluding remarks by , Assistant Secretary-General, UNDESA
- Summary statement by Léo Mérorès, President of ECOSOC
General debate for the High-level SegmentOpening address
- Léo Mérorès, President of ECOSOC
Introduction of the reports of the Secretary-General on the Annual Ministerial Review and the t hematic discussion
- , Assistant Secretary-General, UNDESA
Member States
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Australia
- Bahrain
- Belarus
- Chile
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- France
- Honduras
- Iceland
- Kazakhstan
- Maldives
- Moldova
- Nicaragua
- Russia
- Sweden
- Tunisia
- United States
51łÔąĎ entities
Non-Governmental Organizations
Wednesday, 2 July (back to top)
Morning session
Annual Ministerial Review: National Presentations (ECOSOC Chamber)
- Charles Michel, Minister for Development Cooperation, Belgium (presentation)
- Paula Quintana, Minister of National Planning and Cooperation, Chile
- Andrew Steer, Director General, Policy and Research, Department for International Development, United Kingdom
- Peter Msola, Minister of Science, Technology and ICT of Tanzania
Afternoon session (back to top)General debate for the High-Level Segment (concluded)
Member States
- Algeria
- Bangladesh
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- China
- Colombia
- Cuba
- Ethiopia
- Guyana
- Holy See
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Israel
- Japan
- Korea
- Liechtenstein
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Mauritania
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Pakistan
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Poland
- Sudan
- Switzerland
- Turkey
51łÔąĎ entitiesNon-Governmental Organizations, Permanent Observers and other Intergovernmental Organizations with Observers Status
- International Organization for Migration
- International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions
Annual Ministerial Review roundtable (back to top)“The role of ecosystem services in sustainable development ”
- Jorge Mario Rodriguez, Director, National Forestry Financing Fund, Costa Rica
- Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
- Hillary Masundire, Chair, Commission on Ecosystem Management, The World Conservation Union (IUCN)
- Dane Gobin, Director General, Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development, Guyana
- Magnus Ngoile, Director General, National Environment Management Council, Tanzania
- Anna Tibaijuka, Executive Director, UN-HABITAT (Lead discussant)
Thursday, 3 July (back to top)
Morning session
Annual Ministerial Review: National Presentations
- Bounkeut Sangsomsak, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lao PDR
- Jean-Louis Schiltz, Minister for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs, Luxemburg
- Nurlan Danenov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kazakhstan
- Paavo Väyrynen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Finland
Afternoon session (back to top)Thematic discussion: “Promoting an integrated approach to rural development in developing countries for poverty eradication and sustainable development, taking into account current challenges”
Panel discussions
A. “Bioenergy, sustainable livelihoods and rural poor”
- Alexander Mueller, Assistant Director-General, FAO
- Sonja Vermeulen, Programme Director, International Institute for Environment and Development
- Lionel Lopez, Director, Technoserve, Guatemala
- Suzanne Hunt, Bioenergy Expert, Independent Consultant
B. “Harnessing the current boom in agricultural commodities for poverty eradication and sustainable development: the case of small scale farmers”
- Frank Tumpale Mwenifumbo, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Malawi
- Robert Watson, Chief Scientific Advisor for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
- Steven Schonberger, Lead Operations Officer in Agriculture and Rural Development, World Bank
- Sandra Polaski, Senior Associate and Director, Trade, Equity and Development, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
- James Borel, Group Vice-President responsible for DuPont Crop Protection and Pioneer Hi-Bred
- Anna Tibaijuka, Executive Director of UN-Habitat
Adoption of the Ministerial Declaration